Power of Congress


Well-Known Member
Does Congress still have the power to override a veto?
What about a Presidential Directive?

Is it just the House, or Senate also?

Is it a 2/3 vote or what?
So, the way I read 1-7 is 2/3 of both house and senate, and applies
to veto, directive order, and resolutions.
If no other amendments apply.

We need real reps in at least 2/3 of both houses.

Goal mapped...
Aw C'Mon Dood Obambo will just issue
a Presidential directive that all the illeagls are citizens and
cap and trade is law, then watch the opposition flail about trying to stop it.

They get the crap on trade rescinded but fear a beanner backlash
so Osama gets re-elected by the taco vote.

Easy peasy and oh so cheesy.
yeah, and if he gets too feisty, the impeachment word might start
rolling off more tongues up there, for dereliction of duty.
(of which he's already guilty)
stop whining

Hah never happen The race card!
He's already committed multiple acts of treason.

Where have you been Cat incandescent lights bulbs are illegal
there was a war for America It's over and we lost.

An Executive Order only applies to the federal government. So, that President may not make law, he just makes life irritating.
As much as I dislike this POS, what has he (specifically) done that is a High Crime or Misdemeanor?
He has surrendered part of our southern border.
Evident by the signs posted there.

He has violated his oath.

Is that treason? I'm not a lawyer, but it's gotta be close.
Remember when slick Willie had Loral sell missile guidance
technology to the ChiComs to pay back their campaign donations?

All they could get him on was a stained dress.

There's got to be something they can find in the next two years.

A great place to start is figgerin' out where the two trillion went.
well for one place...

there's clear evidence that they are funding both sides in the Afghan war.
or I should start referring to it as the Afghan/Pakistan war.

It's also clear that at least half of Pakistan is also our enemy.
Article 3 said:
Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

They made Treason very diffult to prosecute, on purpose
yeah, I think "dereliction of duty" would be closer, but
we don't yet know how he's going to act yet, so it's moot atm.

Just playing a few scenarios.

Getting congress more straighten out (and more) has to be first.