Pqi power series


Well-Known Member
Anyone heard of this memory brand?

I need a serious RAM boost and their 1gig PC2100 DDR SDRAM module is fairly cheap


Anyone recommend their brand of RAM?

The crucial one is $200 and kinda of out of my budget.
Although I'm not the most well-read, I do read, and haven't even heard of them. So...that could be good, I've not heard anything bad :lloyd:
No...neverrrrrrrr! I just used it the other day to find out what kind of motherboard is in this thing. They had a loverly review :brow:
more questions...

What is low profile RAM? How is it different from regular ram?

I have regular ram in slot 1 so can I install a low profile ram in slot 2?

Slot 1 has crucial 512mb DDR module, so can I put in a PQI 1204mb ddr module in slot 2 without brand conflicts?
If you never overclock there's actually little difference between high profile and low profile.

However, placing the better ram in the first slots and leaving the not so good one is always a good idea.
Luis G said:
If you never overclock there's actually little difference between high profile and low profile.

Nah, no overclocking tendencies here.

However, placing the better ram in the first slots and leaving the not so good one is always a good idea.

So I shouldn't use both of the slots?
IDLEchild said:
Nah, no overclocking tendencies here.

So I shouldn't use both of the slots?

oh no no no, I guess a lost a word :confuse3:

I meant that you should leave the not so good ram in the next available slot after the good one.
Luis G said:
I meant that you should leave the not so good ram in the next available slot after the good one.

So I guess there should be no brand conflicts then between the crucial and PQI modules?

And no complications with one regular RAM and one low profile RAM?
As for me, if it doesn't use Samsung chips, I'm not buying. I might consider Micron if Samsung isn't available, but otherwise, I'm not buying. To many compatability issues. It may overclock just great. That's really not the question. The question is, is it compatible with your motherboard.