Pranks/April Fool's Day


New Member
It's time to start planning. Anyone have some good ones for family, friends, coworkers? Had a prank pulled on you?

I had an idea for one that I might do to Rusty. Send him flowers or some cute thing and sign it, "Secret admirer, guess who?" then act all mad when he tells me.

If he tells me. :eh:

Ok maybe that's not such a good idea. ;)
one year i covered a friends bar of soap with clear nail suds...would have been interesting to watch as the prank the navy we used to do all kinds of pranks on each other but not many of them would be a big hit in the civilian world...i don't think...
greenfreak said:
It's time to start planning. Anyone have some good ones for family, friends, coworkers? Had a prank pulled on you?

I had an idea for one that I might do to Rusty. Send him flowers or some cute thing and sign it, "Secret admirer, guess who?" then act all mad when he tells me.

If he tells me. :eh:

Ok maybe that's not such a good idea. ;)
bwahahaha maybe not :blank:
I've played a few. One time I pretended I was pregnant with my ex and a friend of mine made a pregnancy test. You'd swear it was the real thing. He totally freaked. I felt bad afterwards.

Last year, I had just started working where I am now. I began working on March 24. It was month end, which is crazy here. We decided to play a prank on our boss. I called her and left a message saying I'm not coming back because I couldn't deal with the stress involved at month end etc and that I would call her later. We were watching out the window for when she would come in. When we saw her pull up, I hid in a seperate room. When she took her messages, she got all red, couldn't believe what she was hearing etc. A few minutes later, i came out of the room and we pissed our pants laughing about it.
I'm not a good target for pranks. I tend to get angry, not seeing the humour. Then I get vindictive. Then I make the prankster sorry he was ever born. The person responsible for trashing my honeymoon suite paid in spades in his own bedroom. And the clerk responsible for giving them the key was very nearly fired on the spot.

Of course, Bish, who was supposed to make sure that the keys weren't availible, failed miserably. His punishment is pending.
Professur said:
I'm not a good target for pranks. I tend to get angry, not seeing the humour. Then I get vindictive. Then I make the prankster sorry he was ever born. The person responsible for trashing my honeymoon suite paid in spades in his own bedroom. And the clerk responsible for giving them the key was very nearly fired on the spot.

Of course, Bish, who was supposed to make sure that the keys weren't availible, failed miserably. His punishment is pending.

That is horrible what they did to your honeymoon suite! Anytime you spend $$ on something special and someone changes it without your knowledge to make it funny would earn a good boot in the arse as just the beginning from me! :evilcool:
Professur said:
I'm not a good target for pranks. I tend to get angry, not seeing the humour. Then I get vindictive. Then I make the prankster sorry he was ever born.

Same here, although I don't get even, I just vanish out of that person's world until they plead for forgiveness.

I hate pranks. :mad:
tonks said:
one year i covered a friends bar of soap with clear nail suds...would have been interesting to watch as the prank the navy we used to do all kinds of pranks on each other but not many of them would be a big hit in the civilian world...i don't think...

But we still wants to hear about them! :D
BeardofPants said:
But we still wants to hear about them! :D
one time we kidnapped a senior chief's coffee mug and took polaroids of it in incriminating places and slipped the photo's on his desk...this went on for about a week or so.
we used to duct tape "the booters" (newbies, basically) to the mess deck chairs.
but this was the best...remember the old M&M contest where you had to find the grey M&M? well...we had an abundance of M&M's at the ship store so they were everywhere...anyway this AS2 that i worked with painted one with aircraft primer and was telling people he found the grey one...played it off perfectly...everyone thought it was the real mccoy.
Uki Chick said:
I've played a few. One time I pretended I was pregnant with my ex and a friend of mine made a pregnancy test. You'd swear it was the real thing. He totally freaked. I felt bad afterwards.

it wasn't me!

but this is why I sleep with one eye open

help me
Hmm, we've done a few over the years...........

A childish one at college used to involve the vending machine. Find out which crisps/chocolate bar etc are having a competition. Buy the packet......print out a "you've claim this prize phone message "(and we used to put some very dodgy phone numbers on there) ..... pop the printed message back in the packet and reseal the packet with clear nail varnish.....leave the snack in the bottom of the vending machine. Eventually someone always picket up the free food from the excited when they thought they had won a coupla hundred quid........rushed to the phone to claim there prize......and came back red faced muttering summit about "Slutty Sara's Saucy Sex Line" :D

This one was actually done by 2 mates of's the sickest one yet. One of them got his friend to phone his girlfriend.......pretending to be a doctor from the hospital. He asked if she had ever had a sexual relationships with [insert name of one of the girls ex boyfriends]. When she replied that she had he told her that the ex boyfriend had died of Aids..........he'd been carrying the virus for a number of years and it would be advisable that she came into the clinic for an Aids test. Of course the poor girl feinted on the spot.........and unsurprisingly, once she had found out it was all a "joke" she split up with her fella.
I love a good prank. Nothing mean spirited or hurtful, and I can take it as well as dish it out (one of my pet peeves, BTW). Sent a girl I was dating once to the bike shop for a gonkulator for my race bike (not a Hogan's Heroes fan, I guess). I've done the "hide the desktop" prank a few times.

Best one I've ever had pulled on me was to show up for a last minute "guitar slinger" gig (playing with a band you don't know very well, usually filling in for someone) and not seeing anyone I knew and having everyone in the bar act like they didn't know a thing about it. I thought I was at the wrong club!
I have only made a few pranks for april fools day, I tend to forget the whole thing.

One time I typed up a very "official" letter adressed to my 9 yrs older boyfriend making it look like it was from the police. I claimed that he was under investigation for having sex with a minor, and requested that he would show up at the station at a given time. (I was 16, but in the letter it said I was 15) I was gonna mail i to him, but forgot it on a shelf for him to find. He saw it, and did get spooked for a second or so...
I remember a thread a while back where I had mentioned that every night I used to pull a different cord out of the back of someone's computer. Someone had suggested painting the metal prongs of the power cord with clear nail polish because it won't get a connection but it will look fine. I thought that was a good one.

I put hand cream on someone's mouthpiece to their phone once and then called him. He always rested his phone against his shoulder as soon as he picked it up so when he did it, the phone went flying across his desk. Then he wiped his chin and smelled his fingers, not knowing what this off-white cream was on his face and phone. :D