Pre-paid cell phones-URGHHHHHH


New Member
OMG-got this pre-paid phone 9Tracfone)-DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!!!!
cannot figure anything out, all my minutes go trying to figure it out-pissing me off.
I cannot make an call or receive a call anymore. WTF.
*giggles* give it to a 9 year old, they'll tell you how to use it ;) But don't give it to anyone over the age of 13, that's when you lose your touch for such things :p
After 2 wks of this phone finally might get to make a call and receive a call-Tech support on the phone helped TG...
Understandable about the kids now adays they do know more than me on certain things,especially when it comes to modern age things,LMAO
I disagree completely about the idea that younger people and children are more technically adept than older.

You may observe this occurence, but its usually influenced by other factors.

If your comparing a 40 year old red neck who doesnt give a flying *** to a 9 year old fan of SG1, Star Trek, and major gamer....what to dyou think the results are going to be?

Now that is an over statement, you dont have to be 40 and a red neck to not give a **** and you dont have to be a sci-fi tech head to understand it all but you get the picture of the underlying reason for this bias.

Its no different than the myth that a full moon causes people to go nuts. Its all because when their is a full moon out, people go "yep its a full moon". This puts an "imprint" in their memory about all the crazy things that happened during the full moons without taking into account the equally crazy **** that always happens when ITS NOT A FULL MOON.

Just like if someone older doesnt know how to use a PDA you go "yep Im getting old" and this creates the illusion that age=technical ineptitude.
AnomalousEntity said:
I disagree completely about the idea that younger people and children are more technically adept than older.

You may observe this occurence, but its usually influenced by other factors.

Other factors that are related to the age such as: simplicity of thought, spotting the obvious and doing it.

Older people tend to think more about things: "this is new, this costed me X dollars, what if i screw it, what if what is saying here is not really what i'm thinking it is, etc", while kids just do the obvious.
I think it all comes down to the 'do you read the instructions?' syndrome.

If you read them then you can't work the item, if you don't then you can.

I never have worked out how or why though
The reason you shouldn't let a 13-year-old use a prepaid cell phone isn't that they're not as technically adept. The reason is this: they'll use up all your minutes, much more so than a nine-year-old. :D
peterska2 said:
I think it all comes down to the 'do you read the instructions?' syndrome.

If you read them then you can't work the item, if you don't then you can.

I never have worked out how or why though
Another case of RTFM eh?

KA if I send you something by PM you'll understand.... dont forget customer services are always there when the customer doesnt want to RTFM and abuse us instead. :p

edit - SOD IT! I'll post it here intead. I've said it once and I'll say it again:

Before you pick up the phone and moan - remember the call center mantra.
Congratulations to you sir
You've brought a mobile phone
Every reason now you see
To ring up here and moan

You're right I'm not a human
Of course I'm stupid too
That's why you're asking me sir
To tell you what to do

You cannot read instructions
Though simple they might be
So you've rung the helpline number
To place the blame on me

Your right! I am a dozy cow
You want to reach my boss
I'm doing all I can for you
But you don't give a toss

You've owned a phone since Christmas
An expert overnight
I'm only trained by o2
With nowt for brains but shite

Of course your right to swear sir
And why should I feel hurt
You know I can't retaliate
So treat me just like dirt

You're right; the phone is rubbish
The salesman needs a slap
You wish you'd never seen it
It's little more than crap

I totally agree sir
How could I fail to see?
Its not the lack of knowledge
It's purely down to me

You've read the owners handbook
Well: some of it; in part
So your the bloody expert
And I'm the stupid tart

Oh! here's my leader now sir
I'll transfer you to him
He knows all the answers
He's not like me:- too dim

Oh! Why a mobile phone sir?
Why did you buy that?
Such a simple gift sir
For such a clever prat

Next Christmas for a present
Ask for Dynamite!
Ram it up your ass sir
And I'll supply the light!