Presents for coworkers?


New Member
Do you have friends at work who you buy presents for or who buy for you each year? What about your boss or subordinates? What are you getting them?

I'm in a strange situation, I'm transferring to a new department next week. No one at work has really exchanged presents in the past but damnit, I'm so happy about my promotion, I decided to get some stuff. I can't just get the new manager and coworkers stuff and not the old ones.

So I went with the "thought of you but didn't spend a shitload of money" idea and got 14 day to day desk calendars--Dilbert, Far Side and Simpsons for them to choose from. I also got some of my favorite people some cute stuff from; some funny stickers and pins. Lastly, for one person who's helped me tremendously this past year, I'm going to the Lindt's truffles store and getting a tin made up with different kinds of chocolate truffles.

I'll probably get cards too for some of them, but not all. Do you guys do anything?
Nope. We'll all get a Goodyear jacket in lieu of an actual Christmas bonus though.
Stocking stuffer grade material always went over well and didn't leave anyone with that 'I didn't get you anything' feeling.
Our management team does the "name in a hat" method. It was semi-cool this year because I grabbed one of my friend's names and was able to get him something nice. :D
At work, we don't usually get anything for fellow coworkers. However, we all chip in and get the boss somehting nice. Last year we got him a $600 chair for his office.
Rather than individual gifts, we have "Feast Week". Each day during Feast Week three people get together and provide a huge lunch feast for all twelve of us. Monday was seafood feast, Tuesday was steak, potato and salad feast, Wednesday was barbecued ribs feast, and today was deli feast. We get tomorrow night off to go to the company Christmas party on the beach with another feast and a live band.

I swear this company has a food obsession. *burp*


I'd like to point out that no food goes to waste, and that the employees and the company are very active and generous with local charities throughout the year, and especially so during the holidays. :cool:
"Than I" is correct. You're basically shortening the sentence by dropping the "did" at the end.

So, why are you guys so nice to your boss? What does he do to deserve that?
I don't work this time of year but at my mom's work they draw names on a voluntary basis and exchange gifts the last working day before their holidays (they get like 2 weeks off). She also gives a gift to a close friend of hers there.
Well, I bought a little something for the ladies in teh office. I went to the $1 shop and got the neatest gift bags and a little christmas ornament each. I don't care to give out christmas ornaments as gifts, but it's co workers. Last year it was a $1 coffee mug filled with candy. This year an ornament. I love the $1 Shop, not to sound cheap, but it's really great. Got most of my christmas decorations there and flower pots/vases.

We have a lot of people at work, though. I definately am not going to worry about staff like waitstaff or golf course maintenance, mostly because I can't afford it and don't know them all. But i think I'll give the boss some white chocolate covered pretzels (rumour from his old country club says that's his favorite) and I'll try to get the department heads that aren't in the office (chef, golf director) a little something. The golf director (head) always gives us a $100 gift certificate to the pro shop, so I like to get him something. He's super nice anyway and I think he likes me. :D
greenfreak said:
Do you have friends at work who you buy presents for or who buy for you each year? What about your boss or subordinates? What are you getting them?

not at the jobs that ive worked so far. except I got a mug from Wal Mart as a thank you for being a cashier and willing to do what they asked
We don't give individual gifts really. I usually just go out & get a few things for the teagirl though (from all of us at the office) after all she does work hard too and doesn't get to go to all the parties etc.

And this year we did a year end function for all the staff in the branches reporting to us, so I just got every staff member a little something to say thanks. After all it's not my money being spent, so I could afford to buy them all something :D

The only person I give anything to (as a personal gift) is one of the ladies in the office - the rest I couldn't give a rat's ass about.
We always adopt a family instead of giving each other gifts, this year it was Mom, Dad,and two little girls, 5 and 3. Got all of them new winter coats, two presents each for the girls, and a $100 gift certificate to the local grocery store.
actually i can add that all my co-workers and I from Wal Mart could take an extra 10% off one item. so i got my gamecube at 20% off
None of my jobs really do the gift exchange thing. BBY caters food on the major holidays for us. On campus we get two weeks off as a gift. :D
PuterTutor said:
We always adopt a family instead of giving each other gifts, this year it was Mom, Dad,and two little girls, 5 and 3. Got all of them new winter coats, two presents each for the girls, and a $100 gift certificate to the local grocery store.
Thats awesome. :headbang: