Pretty cool site!! check it out...

ctrl-alt-delete -> close application: Mozilla Firebird. Wow, that was hard. :rolleyes:
Pretty cool anyway.
AlphaTroll said:
If it's different it's not the same now is it?
It achieves the same result, only with a different key combination, therefore; Same shit(result) but different(method)
Kawaii said:
It achieves the same result, only with a different key combination, therefore; Same shit(result) but different(method)

Except that it's a lot quicker and doesn't halt all your processes while you get there.

Turning the computer off and then on again would get you the same result too but that's hardly efficient, is it now?
Ya ,I know what your referring to and this site is different ,you just get a recurring pop-up box that unless you do as is mentioned by others in this thread you can't close the page. :shrug: whatever.