Pretty fecking cool

I love the watercooling system and fragged keyboard... but the relief on the mouse would probably get on my nerves.
unclehobart said:
I love the watercooling system and fragged keyboard... but the relief on the mouse would probably get on my nerves.

Ohhh yeah, and the keyboard as well.
Gato_Solo said:
It's the motif from a game called Halflife 2... :lloyd:

The whole thing?

Should have figured it was to do with a 'puter game... the opium of the masses... sadly I figure those passed out in an opium induced stuper are probably more interesting! :lol2:
ClaireBear said:
The whole thing?

Should have figured it was to do with a 'puter game... the opium of the masses... sadly I figure those passed out in an opium induced stuper are probably more interesting! :lol2:

Not a bad game from what I hear, but I won't be buying it until it hits the 'bargain' rack in about 3 more months. ;) I also don't believe in modding my case for a product. Once that product is out of the public eye, you're going to have to buy a whole new case because the 'cool' factor has worn off...
ClaireBear said:
The whole thing?

Should have figured it was to do with a 'puter game... the opium of the masses... sadly I figure those passed out in an opium induced stuper are probably more interesting! :lol2:
Dont play many games right? ;)

Although I do think thats a very funky case mod, I gotta agree....far too much time on yer hands if you have time enough to do that.