Pretty impressive!

We went to Mt. Rushmore a couple of weeks ago and there were a shitload of Chinese tourists there. I told my wife "They are inspecting their new digs."
Remember when the Japanese were going to buy American & foreclose?
More bang for the buck

World war three fought with nuclear weapons
its gonna be so awesome!
Remember when the Japanese were going to buy American & foreclose?

very well.

i still drive a japanese car.

i think the china situation may be a little different. of course i'm just going to say that and not explain how or why, just to see if cato will come after me for lifting his style.
It'll depend on who's controlling the purse strings on how it comes out. Under the current (lack of) leadership, we're fucked.
i think the china situation may be a little different. of course i'm just going to say that and not explain how or why, just to see if cato will come after me for lifting his style.

hey, just about everybody has an opinion.
Some opinions don't need an explanation. If it's what you want to believe, or ponder, go for it.:hippy:
gimme dat govt. cheese (whiz)

Gonzie even a fifth grader can do the math
if this socialist monstrosity isn't torn down
our country is doomed, doomed I tells ya ;)
