Price Of Movies Piss Me Off


Kissy Goddess
I went to see a movie last night with my nephew. We went to see I Spy. I couldn't believe how freakin' expensive it turned out to be when all was said and done! $13.50 each to get in, $12.00 for 2 drinks and a medium popcorn!!

Why so damn much? It's no wonder people sneak stuff in.

On another note, the movie was... "o.k." I would have been happy renting this one. It had some pretty hilarious moments. That, and, well, I love Owen Wilson. :D
As long as the populace is willing to pay the prices, the industries will ask for & get what they want. I had a similar rant about concert prices. I say, boycott entertainment until the prices are reasonable again.
I am seriously considering that, too, Gonz. I'd take the kidlets to the dollar cinema, which, ironically, is now 2 dollars.

I can wait for the DVD.
Spirit said:
I am seriously considering that, too, Gonz. I'd take the kidlets to the dollar cinema, which, ironically, is now 2 dollars.

Over here, a very decent cinema runs me US$6 a movie. I never eat while I watch a movie though, so I can't tell you about the popcorn and stuff. I only watch a movie in the theater about once a month, if it is really something I want to see.

To see a movie in digital (at Waterloo), the ticket price was US$7.

To see Star Wars II in the IMAX, the ticket price was slightly under US$8.
We usually pay the equivalent of between $7 - $9 here in the UK, but I know it's considerably more in London. And the price of drinks and popcorn is stupid.

I usually don't bother and just get DVDs from the US or Asia as I'm region free and they come out earlier.
Aunty Em said:
We usually pay the equivalent of between $7 - $9 here in the UK, but I know it's considerably more in London. And the price of drinks and popcorn is stupid.
And the MPAA and RIAA complains... lol, thats stupid. The more they charge for cinema tickets, the more my mp3 and avi collection grows.
LL said:
And the MPAA and RIAA complains... lol, thats stupid. The more they charge for cinema tickets, the more my mp3 and avi collection grows.

Ironically, when the napster mess started, there were more legal purchases of copyrighted materials. After they started winning, it fell. Could it have something to do with $16. CD's with only one good song? Used to be the radio hit was the biggest piece of crap on the album.
Its true. I like one, two, or maybe three songs on a CD. I like the rest, but only a few stick in my head. And I refuse to pay $10 a CD for two songs I really like. :shrug: Now I just download it. Their loss. If they ask reasonable prices I wouldn't mind paying up. DVDs are quite reasonable IMHO and I buy a lot of them.
LastLegionary said:
Its true. I like one, two, or maybe three songs on a CD. I like the rest, but only a few stick in my head. And I refuse to pay $10 a CD for two songs I really like. :shrug: Now I just download it. Their loss. If they ask reasonable prices I wouldn't mind paying up. DVDs are quite reasonable IMHO and I buy a lot of them.

I usually downloand mp3s and make up compilations for my daughter 'cos I object to paying anything between £13 - £20 (about $20 -$30 - highstreet prices) just so she can wreck it.

For myself I buy off the net because I like latin music and I can't get it here for love nor money, and so long as it's below £18 in value I don't have to pay duty(tax) on it.
$8.50 is normal for one ticket and we don't buy soda/popcorn at the theatre so I wouldn't know. Unless it's really appealing to us, we usually just wait until it comes out on DVD, it's so quick these days anyway.
Hey, if all of us are waiting for the DVDs who the hell is actually keeping the cinemas in business? :confuse3:
Aunty Em said:
Hey, if all of us are waiting for the DVDs who the hell is actually keeping the cinemas in business? :confuse3:

people without computers & AOL users.
LastLegionary said:
Its true. I like one, two, or maybe three songs on a CD. I like the rest, but only a few stick in my head. And I refuse to pay $10 a CD for two songs I really like. :shrug: Now I just download it. Their loss. If they ask reasonable prices I wouldn't mind paying up. DVDs are quite reasonable IMHO and I buy a lot of them.

of course, a good movie is "a whole good movie" (not just a couple of scenes) ;)

as long as it is good, i don't mind paying for it either.
we go to the movies all the time. only during the week and never after 6pm when the prices jump. i still love sitting in a dark movie house and losing myself in the movie.
Any Brits ever been to the Leicester Square Odeon?

You ain't even SEEN expensive! :D

worth it for the ear-shattering sound system, though...[/siz]
The Odeon in Leceister Square has a pants side down because in the end the best cinematic experience i had was a run-down, velvet seats, popcorn encrusted floors worth of an old black 'n' white movie.......

But then again I'm shallow and glam's is what they want :D
Scanty said:
Any Brits ever been to the Leicester Square Odeon?

You ain't even SEEN expensive! :D


What and pay London prices! Christ it's £2.50 for a cup of coffee I can get for £0.70 back home. If I want to extend my mortgage I can think of better things to spend it on! :eek:
I paid $1.65 for a cup of hot chocolate yesterday in Central Park. A small cup. :rolleyes: In the winter, as soon as I smell it, I have to have some no matter what the price. Damn my nose.

I'm with Spot though-I like going to the theatre on opening weekend and sharing the experience with everyone else... The comfy seats, the previews, the sound... We always make a day out of it, go out to lunch and then get coffee to bring to the theatre with us. The next one we're probably going to see is White Oleander because I just finished the book.
greenfreak said:
I'm with Spot though-I like going to the theatre on opening weekend and sharing the experience with everyone else... The comfy seats, the previews, the sound... We always make a day out of it, go out to lunch and then get coffee to bring to the theatre with us. The next one we're probably going to see is White Oleander because I just finished the book.

Oh I love going to live theatre and don't begrudge spending money on that at all, I just don't get the opportunity to go out in the evenings very often. I also try to take my 13 year old daughter to suitable plays when I can and her school also arranges several trips to live plays and events for the children during the year. Not too long ago she sang with her school choir at the Barbican in London.