Promoting peace


molṑn labé
Staff member
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Suspected U.S. missiles killed 18 people on the Pakistan side of the Afghan border Friday, security officials said, the first attacks on the al-Qaida stronghold since President Barack Obama took office. At least five foreign militants were among those killed in the strikes by unmanned aircraft in two parts of the frontier region, an intelligence official said without naming them. There was no information on the identities of the others.

Why didn't he just try them in NJ?

Boring actually. President Bush said he'd kill terrorists.

President Obama says he'll close gitmo & make friends.
Missed that part?

As I pointed out, this has happened multiple times. It is, in fact, a part of the Afghan situation. Your being disingenuous regarding the fact is really quite childish of you. I guess you want Obama to fail so badly that you're willing to sacrifice our soldiers to see it happen. I'm not really surprised.
sacrifice our soldiers to see it happen


Our President has spent many years telling us that peace, not warfare, Ambassadors, not Generals, were the answer to the terrorism problem. We caused them to hate us with our excesses, vigilance & glory. So, I expected him to be true to his words & to, perhaps, place these rogues under arrest & try them as the criminals they are, instead of the enmey so (apparently) few of us find them to be.

Instead, he followed the guidance & precedence of his predecessor, and destroyed them. I applaud his actions. I'm just curious why he's decided that GW wasn't wrong.

Our President has spent many years telling us that peace, not warfare, Ambassadors, not Generals, were the answer to the terrorism problem. We caused them to hate us with our excesses, vigilance & glory. So, I expected him to be true to his words & to, perhaps, place these rogues under arrest & try them as the criminals they are, instead of the enmey so (apparently) few of us find them to be.

Instead, he followed the guidance & precedence of his predecessor, and destroyed them. I applaud his actions. I'm just curious why he's decided that GW wasn't wrong.

many years? what? obama hasn't been around the political scene for "many years." what are you talking about?

and golly as far back as i can remember obama has always maintained he'd go into pakistan to chase them mofos, in addition to taking on more extensive diplomatic efforts.

wait... hold on here, is this perhaps a real strategy of engagment? you mean there's more to foreign policy than moronic and wasteful invasions that get us nothing? holy shit!
Iraq -- Afghanistan
Apples -- Oranges

This is obvious shit here.

OTOH, I see no evidence that Obama personally ordered this particular attack jsut as I doubt that Mr. Bush personally ordered andy previous one. Jumping to an unwarranted conclusion, huh?
Iraq -- Afghanistan
Apples -- Oranges

War on Terror...different battles.
Kumquats -- Orangatans (what game is this?)

President Bush may have had standing orders....Obama shouldn't, yet. Although, when attacking a sovereign nation, the CiC had damn well better okay the strike.

And he was right when everyone else was wrong!

Check your dates.
Pock --eeee--stahn never attacked us!!! He is going to destabilize this area and Pock --eeee--stahn will rightly defend themselves against the illegal war he is trying to start.

This isn't a game!!! How can you tolerate Obozo trying to start a nuclear war???

He has illegally killed civilians and needs to be tried for war crimes!!!

What happened to the pledge to use military force as a last resort??? Reasonable people can sit down at a table and talk about it!!!

Why did he launch missiles that killed innocent women and children and let bin-Laden live??? If that isn't sick and twisted, nothing is!!!

What kind of person never serves a single day in the military but orders the generals to go bomb a nuclear country that never attacked us??? Hmmmm??? He will cheer as our men and women lie bleeding on the battlefield -- if they are not vaporized first!!!

Zero lied and people died!!! How much blood and treasure will be sacrificed to satisfy his blood lust???

Come now. He made it clear that he voted against going into Iraq.

Hell yeah :thumbup:

We caused them to hate us with our excesses, vigilance & glory.

It's amazing how you'll continue to make up shit, then post it as if it's a real thing, and then somehow expect that nobody is going to call you on it.

Don't you feel silly lying all the time or do you actually convince yourself of this stuff?
The point is that it took exactly 3 days for Obama to kill his first 13 innocent Muslin civilians.

Have the memories of the Left grown so short that they don't remember this?

Hell, that took them a shorter time to forget than the time it took for them to forget 9/11.

Bush liberated 50 million people. Obama has just "liberated" his first thirteen -- with many more to come.
Interesting, isn't it, how these attacks (which go on all the time) garnered so little of your attention under Mr. Bush's watch, isn't it?
Bush said he would do what was necessary to wipe out terrorists and he did. He told the truth.

Not so with Mr. Obama.
As I pointed out, this has happened multiple times. It is, in fact, a part of the Afghan situation. Your being disingenuous regarding the fact is really quite childish of you. I guess you want Obama to fail so badly that you're willing to sacrifice our soldiers to see it happen. I'm not really surprised.

And you always wanted Bush to succeed. You never wished him failure. You cheered him on. You celebrated his victories. Right?
Hell yeah :thumbup:

It's amazing how you'll continue to make up shit, then post it as if it's a real thing, and then somehow expect that nobody is going to call you on it.

Don't you feel silly lying all the time or do you actually convince yourself of this stuff?

I'm thinkin' that you all just fell into a trap. Ya see, Obama wasn't in the Senate to vote against going into Iraq at the time the vote was taken. He didn't become a Senator until January 3, 2005. That is simply one of his many lies.

Gonz gotcha.

And so did Obama.
Do you have a link to him lying about voting against going into Iraq? Or are you lying?

Bush said he would do what was necessary to wipe out terrorists and he did. He told the truth.

No he lied and started this idiocy in Iraq instead.

Not so with Mr. Obama.

He was against that idiocy.