pronto condoms

Luis G

Staff member

Let’s face it, using an ordinary condom is a real pain in the butt. First, you have to tear the pack open, often using your teeth. Then you have to take the condom out of the pack – this is a slippery business at the best of times. Next, you have to figure out which is the right side up, before you can unroll it. By the time the condom’s on, the mood is halfway out the window...

Look at the demo, pretty nifty.
Sometimes you just want to get it on quickly, and don't feel like fussing with a condom wrapper, etc. This is a great way of getting things on faster.
Okay. I give up. Hurry or no hurry, as per the demonstration, why would anyone want to put a condom on an inanimate object ???????

The Professur will be moaning about Toasters or sliced bread next, probably! :D
Why, what did you do?

Seems like a neat invention to me. Never had a problem opening wrappers myself, though.