Proving still one more time what a bumpkin he is


Well-Known Member
Obama has a celebration of Chanukah, twelve days early, and lights all of the candles on the menorah at once. Now, maybe he confused it with the seven candle Kwanzaa candelabra which has all of the candles lit at once, but he should know better. Even his Muslim faith should have taught him the the lighting of the menorah.

He comes to these things as he does with his entire life -- totally unprepared. He then referred to Chanukah as a "good party."

How do the Jews bring themselves to vote for this bumpkin?


Obama Hanukkah Gaffe....Lights EVERY Menorah Candle

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is marking Hanukkah as a story of "faith over doubt."

Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden convened a Hanukkah celebration at the White House Thursday in an early celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights.

Obama said the Hanukkah story was about "right over might, faith over doubt." In the Hanukkah story, a small band of Jews rededicating a Jerusalem temple found that a one-day supply of oil kindled a flame instead for eight.
continual endless embarrassment is all he has to offer
but in the annals of socialism ObamaCare cements him as a hero
jim you are scraping it so low these days. this is a non-story. if you were having a 'hannukah party' and not actually celebrating the full holiday formally, you probably would light all the fucking candles.
It is not a non-story.

It's one more example of the feeb in the White House
embarrassing all of us. Bush mispoke & look at the stories.
This guys can't do anything right, without a teleprompter, and it's

fucking marxist muslim's that hope & change thing going for you?
obama acknowledged several times in the video that the they were early for hannukah. he even called it a "party." see my previous comments.

if you think this is a gaffe, you're an idiot. that's all. rush was sure trying his best to come up with something, wasn't he. kwanzaa? how was obama confusing the two? seven candles for kwanzaa? hmmm there were not seven candles.

this is shit, and the reporting of this little nothing is nothing more or other than pathetic.

for the 8,000th time - you might be better critiquing obama on something REAL. otherwise you just seem like a pack of idiots.
yeah, the Real story is that Obama has demonstrated in the last 3 years that he's near totally incompetent.
He do very little that is good or useful for good.

"Obama, the great Divider!"
Since when does a Muslim celebrate Hanukkah?
Then again maybe they lit all the menorah candles
at once at the Trinity United Church of Christ?
I thought all socialists were atheists anyway?

Bet he doesn't miss a chance to light the Kwanzaa candles
jim you are scraping it so low these days. this is a non-story. if you were having a 'hannukah party' and not actually celebrating the full holiday formally, you probably would light all the fucking candles.

Oh, come on now. It is very significant. I am not even Jewish; but I know that the menorah is lit one candle at a time for eight nights using the shamash (the center candle) to light them.

This bumpkin does not know ANY protocol at all. He has a long line of protocol gaffes:

Bowing to the Japanese prime Minister;

Bowing to the Saudi Prince;

Returning the gift of a bust of Winston Churchill;

Walking the Dali Lama out of the side door of the White House past the garbage;

Giving PM Gordon Brown 25 DVDs in NTSC format which is useless in Britain;

Presented the Queen with an I-Pod with a few Broadway musical themes and a video of her 2007 visit to Virginia and D.C., which eliminated any reference to George Bush;

Signed the guest book at Westminster Abbey on 24 May 2011 as "24 May 2008";

Toasting the Queen during the British national anthem;

Stating, while standing on Austrian soil, that Austrians speak Austrian;

Calling the Prime Minister of Canada the "President of Canada";

Waving during a group photo which covered the face of the Mongolian President;

And now, lighting all of the candles on the menorah.

I am not even Jewish but I know that the menorah is lit one candle at a time for eight nights using the shamash (the center candle) to light them.

This guy is a disaster at protocol. Do I have to list his other non-protocol related gaffes like 57 states, the Intercontinental Railroad, etc.?
jim, if each item on your list has the strength of this one, well keep at it!

no shit you light a candle on the first day. who the fuck doesn't know that?

one-night celebration in honor of hanukkah.

the actual practice of hannukah.

notice any difference there?
