Punk @ss kids


New Member
Get what they deserve .Found this on another forum.

Contains graphic violence and real bad words. Also driver on cell phone. Darwin Award wannabe kid in back seat holds his car door open to hit (and he does) another kid riding his bicycle while the car he is in goes down the street. Then see what happens to the kid right after he hits the kid riding a bike with the car door (Instant Karma).

Ahh. Justice happens.
I wonder if he actually qualified for a Darwin Award (you have to actually die, you know).
The part where they slow down the vid, and the guys head slammed in to the other car... I couldn't help but watch it about 5 times.
Whats a Darwin Award?

And... am I right in thinking I've just witnessed a child being knocked off his cycle by another child right into the path of an on coming car? I literally can't believe my eyes.

And this is amusing... how?
The one kid on the bike was hit by the car door (and no thats not funny) the punk the purposely opened the car door ends up falling out into a car.(now that KARMA for ya)

Darwin Awards
A.B.Normal said:
The one kid on the bike was hit by the car door (and no thats not funny) the punk the purposely opened the car door ends up falling out into a car.(now that KARMA for ya)

Darwin Awards

I was trying not to watch... hense the confusion.

Child on bike hit by car door opened by another child... shocking and definitely not funny.

Child who opened door then fell under the wheels of an oncoming car... shocking, tradgic... yes devine retribution... but not funny.

Maybe its just me... :shrug:

And the Darwin Awards... a great concept! :D
Should I be insulted by the bone-heads choice of music?

Agree with ClaireBear, I don't think the incident was funny, although there is some ironical justice in it.

So, does anyone know if he survived or not?


Starya said:
Should I be insulted by the bone-heads choice of music?

Agree with boP, I don't think the incident was funny, although there is some ironical justice in it.

So, does anyone know if he survived or not?

Pssst! I know BoP is usually the purveyor of good sense round here... but for once it was me! :D

Yey! :swing:

*CB pats herself on the back*

BoP's still yet to post on this thread...
*cough* uhm, well you know how it is with those darned women-folks, they all look the same.. :lloyd:

May I blame it on faulty wiring?

Besides, your nicks are practically identical. I mean.. ClaireBear, BeardofPants? So much for originality. :devious:

Maybe if enough kids see this, shit like they were pulling will stop. The waste of internal organs in the car got precisely what he deserved. If he survived, I hope he got jail time for aggravated assault too, and everyone else in the car time for accessory to agg assault.

Bet they stop their laughing then.
we can only hope SnP.

RHPS said:
What a fucking genious

I wasnt laughing but I gotta say he got what he deserved. for being both an asshole and an idiot. Hope the kid on the bike was ok