Putting another sicko to sleep


SOURCE: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/front/1586222

Mays, 42, who is scheduled to be executed Tuesday (September 24) in Huntsville, will forever be defined by his singular act of brutality visited on two young girls in northwest Harris County in 1992.

On July 20, 1992, hours after being fired from the latest in a string of failed jobs, he stabbed and slashed 7-year-old Kynara Carreiro 23 times, five times in the face. Kristin Wiley, her 10-year-old friend, was stabbed 18 times. Both were stabbed in the eyes. Neither girl was sexually assaulted.

I feel very sorry for those parents. :(
Hm Wednesday (September 25), the state of Ohio is scheduled to execute Robert Buell for the murder and sexual assault of 11-year-old Krista Harrison in 1982.

i feel the same as LL in that the parents have suffered greatly and i feel sympathy for them. let those bastards die for the hurt they caused i say.
^^ what he said

I don't feel sorry for the guy though, I'd be glad if they brought the death sentence back here (only if they're absolutely sure that person committed the crime though)...
Yes death penalty rocks, and it isn't often that two people from Netherlands agree with me :D We have a reasonable schedule: (the number to the left is the date)

24 Rex Mays (Texas)
25 Calvin King (Texas)
25 Robert Buell (Ohio)

1 James Powell (Texas)
2 Rigoberto Valesco (vounteer, foreign national) (Florida)
9 Aileen Wournos (volunteer, female) (Florida)
17 Donald Dallas (Texas)

6 James Colburn (Texas)
19 Craig Ogan (Texas)
20 William Chappell (Texas)
21 James Clark (Texas)

4 Leonard Rojas (Texas)
11 James Collier (Texas)

3 Jeronique Cunnigham (Ohio)
22 Robert Lookingbill (Texas)
23 Elkie Taylor (Texas)

There are so many sickos in this country/world :( They can just die.
i agree with you psycho that the guy should be guilty before dying. however im also for expanding it to include rape and molestation. or to be even better let the victim choose the proper punishment. in this case let her parents decide theyre the ones who had the loss.
freako104 said:
Luis G said:
ban death penalty :p

why? wouldnt you feel safer knowing some sick fuck is dead and isnt walking around at all?
We are infringing on some poor person that due to his history went nuts, err, no, his history caused some severe mental disorders, no no, caused severe mental deviations, and we are infringing on that poor person's right to life and liberty, and we should just respect the innate right of a person to live according to the UN.

Fuck that. I'd shoot them myself.
LastLegionary said:
freako104 said:
Luis G said:
ban death penalty :p

why? wouldnt you feel safer knowing some sick fuck is dead and isnt walking around at all?
We are infringing on some poor person that due to his history went nuts, err, no, his history caused some severe mental disorders, no no, caused severe mental deviations, and we are infringing on that poor person's right to life and liberty, and we should just respect the innate right of a person to live according to the UN.

and he didnt infringe on the victims rights? as far as i can tell the parents didnt have an abortion so they had a right to have their daughter fucking killed? or the daughter wasnt suicidal but she had a right to die? that wasnt her choice nor her parents choice. fuck that. if its their choice its different. let the bastard die. shooting them yourself will just save me the money.
freako104 said:
however im also for expanding it to include rape and molestation. or to be even better let the victim choose the proper punishment. in this case let her parents decide theyre the ones who had the loss.

There are some cases in which I would agree, however, only if it's proven that the person is fully responsible and he's a risk to society otherwise. Letting the parents decide the punishment is even worse in my opinion, I think such descisions should be made by individuals who can look at the case in an objective manner...
What gets me is why they have to wait 10-20 years to go through with it. How much does it cost anyway? I'm sure it couldn't cost the $30k/yr that we spend on them to rot in jail.
i know thats why i included the if you shoot him itll just save me cash line :). plus i know your all for it.
We can use one of my guns to do it.


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That's my carry piece. I'm goin to McDonald's for a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit and then drop off a movie at Blockbuster :D.


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