Question for all you strong men


New Member
Some of you may know that I have a 17 year old brother, who is quite the sportsman. He's been selected for the school's first team in Rugby, but has been told he has to beef up a bit.

So I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend some good supplements etc?

He's 6'2" and (only) weighs 158 pounds (I think that's's 1.88m and 72kg's). He's always been a tall, lanky kinda guy, which suits his athletics just fine, but because he plays lock & flanker in rugby he needs to be 'bigger' according to the coach. Which is something that baffles me since IMO it would be useless to have a bunch of heavy guys in the team when none of them can move...and how the heck will they lift anyone in the lineouts?

Anyway, he does some weight training and uses a why supplement and some vitamins & minerals. But what should he be using for wieght & muscle gain.

I won't allow him to use creatine or any of those sort of things, so basically I'd like to get him on natural supplements.

(BTW - he eats like a bloody ox! And he is strong as anything with well defined muscle etc, it's just they need to be bigger and heavier).
Ask him to write down his weight training split and any caridio he does.

His exact diet and times/frequency he eats and any details of supplements (whey etc) he takes.

If he can get those jotted down I should be able to give him enough advice to get him as big as an ox in about a year ;)
take a stick of butter, roll it in peanut butter (chunky will do nicely), roll it in donut crumbs, fry it up in peanut oil till golden brown, slather on saw mill gravy, and sprinkle with bacon bits - eat up....repeat 4-5 times day...that ought to pack on a pound or so....a day.....
Oz, basically he has a whey shake for breakfast along with some cereal. Has his sarmies at lunch time (mum packs him about 8 sarmies for lunch - usually with cold meats etc and I think it's wholewheat bread that she uses). Then he has something when practice starts - he has rugby practice for about 3 - 4 hours and athletics for 2 hours - does a lot of sprinting, about 10km's jogging, push ups, pull ups, sit ups (and any other 'ups' you can think of) all that sort of thing and does stuff with wieghts as well - dunno what though, he always locks himself in when he's 'training'....I've started wondering if he's really training in there....anyway then he'll have another whey shake with his dinner which in the good ol' Afrikaans tradition is meat, veggies and rice/potatoes....and he usually has more than one serving of that.

But I'll ask him the details of what he does. Do you think he sounds skinny/runty?

tonks - can i send him to you for that concoction? I'll puke if I had to prepare such a thing :sick:
AlphaTroll said:
Oz, basically he has a whey shake for breakfast along with some cereal. Has his sarmies at lunch time (mum packs him about 8 sarmies for lunch - usually with cold meats etc and I think it's wholewheat bread that she uses). Then he has something when practice starts - he has rugby practice for about 3 - 4 hours and athletics for 2 hours - does a lot of sprinting, about 10km's jogging, push ups, pull ups, sit ups (and any other 'ups' you can think of) all that sort of thing and does stuff with wieghts as well - dunno what though, he always locks himself in when he's 'training'....I've started wondering if he's really training in there....anyway then he'll have another whey shake with his dinner which in the good ol' Afrikaans tradition is meat, veggies and rice/potatoes....and he usually has more than one serving of that.

But I'll ask him the details of what he does. Do you think he sounds skinny/runty?

Dunno if he sounds skinny/runty.......72kgs doesn't sound like a lotta weight........but everyone carries their weight differently (I'm 195lb at the moment........but all me weight has gone on me I still have a very thin "runty" waist :D ).

His diet sound appaling for weight/size I can sort that out for him easy enough :)

With that much cardio he'll never manage to consume enough to gain considerable size :eh: so he might have to cut a lot of that out........but the most important bit of info is his weightlifing split......I'm sure yer'll manage to persuade him to jot it down ;)
AlphaTroll said:
tonks - can i send him to you for that concoction? I'll puke if I had to prepare such a thing :sick:
SURE!!!!! i'd love to make it up and see if it works....not to mention i'd love to try a nibble....because it does sound strangely appealing....;)
Have you got a GNC down there? Any old health food store should have them if not, but there are specific vitamins and whatnot that will bulk you up pretty quick, along with a recommended diet.
Hhhmmmm - I had a post here....gone missing...

Anyway, Oz, I was saying that he does all that running because he's a sprinter (hurdler actually) and specialises in 400m.

That's one of the problems, if he gets too big & heavy he can't run and if he's not big & heavy he can't scrum (ccording to his coach).

I'll ask him what he does with the weights (besides swat flies)

tonksy - deal, I'll send him right over. He's kinda handy too and makes great tea & coffee. But just don't try and feed him baked beans, he'll put up such a fuss ye'd think amnesty international was in town protesting against summin :eh:
AlphaTroll said:
Hhhmmmm - I had a post here....gone missing...

Anyway, Oz, I was saying that he does all that running because he's a sprinter (hurdler actually) and specialises in 400m.

That's one of the problems, if he gets too big & heavy he can't run and if he's not big & heavy he can't scrum (ccording to his coach).

I'll ask him what he does with the weights (besides swat flies)

If he does it right (clean bulk) he'll get big, but it won't affect his sprinting/running speed............the whole thing about big muscular guys being slow is a myth :)

For a rugby scrum he's gonna want shoulder/back strength (along with legs, particularly calfs).........should manage to get him a funky split worked out :swing:
AlphaTroll said:
tonksy - deal, I'll send him right over. He's kinda handy too and makes great tea & coffee. But just don't try and feed him baked beans, he'll put up such a fuss ye'd think amnesty international was in town protesting against summin :eh:
no worries, i threw up baked beans when i was 14 and haven't been a fan since....does he do laundry?
Uhm....well...he's pretty good at creating laundry.....

He'll do dishes and clean the bathroom.....even vacuum if asked.
PuterTutor said:
Have you got a GNC down there? Any old health food store should have them if not, but there are specific vitamins and whatnot that will bulk you up pretty quick, along with a recommended diet.

Sorry PT, I missed this - what's GNC?
I could offer a fair bit of advice as well... but from what I've seen, Oz was a more advanced musclebuilder than I ever achieved. His advice should be sound enough that all I will have to do is stand on the sidelines and just nod in agreement to all that he says.
there are concoctions at places like GNC that are specifically for weight gaining. nasty tasting stuff but very heavy with calories. (at least it used to taste nasty. havent had a problem gaining weight in quite some time)

genetics plays a very stong role in how bulked up a person can get. he could be the type that can get strong as an ox and remain very slim. he's only 17 too. still a lot of chemical/hormonal changes going on. might be a few more years before he can put any type of mass on his frame.
unclehobart said:
I could offer a fair bit of advice as well... but from what I've seen, Oz was a more advanced musclebuilder than I ever achieved. His advice should be sound enough that all I will have to do is stand on the sidelines and just nod in agreement to all that he says.

Dude, please chip in with any advice I get wrong/neglect to mention :) I been at the game for a few years.........but there is bound to be something I get wrong/forget. :)

Does anyone of a link to one of these GNC shops......if it's the one Trolley's brother is gonna might be worth having a look-see at what they are selling (e.g. 99% of all weight gainers are suger-filled crap........can usually make your own from fresh ingrediants, and at half the cost).
Oz said:
Dude, please chip in with any advice I get wrong/neglect to mention :) I been at the game for a few years.........but there is bound to be something I get wrong/forget. :)

Does anyone of a link to one of these GNC shops......if it's the one Trolley's brother is gonna might be worth having a look-see at what they are selling (e.g. 99% of all weight gainers are suger-filled crap........can usually make your own from fresh ingrediants, and at half the cost).

Hun, this is the one near my house - I dunno if it's the same PT & tonks were talking about.
