

100% Pure Canadian Beef
for the Americans

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Is this forum anything like reality, with the politics, how does anything get done?

We talk about a guy viewing child porn, and it turns into liberal vs conservative

we talk about ANYTHING and it turns into liberal vs conservative.

I am supprised the Government doesn't come to a screeching halt.

Is there no common ground where things can actually get done? Or does it always have to be chest beating?
Good question. We should analyze some of the more recent threads and see exactly where they derailed.

In the child porn thread it was Gonz, followed by Jimpeel, followed by Monkey who immediately derailed it into liberal vs. conservative.
Good question. We should analyze some of the more recent threads and see exactly where they derailed.

That would be just finger pointing, and he posted this, he said that etc.

It's all opinion, and hyperbole.
Well yeah the people of this great nation range from left to right and back again with most nearer the middle, but the fact is, there is a one party system made up of these people (again most of them and I mean 99% just to the right or left of center enough to pretend at two parties), but depending on which side of center they are they get labled as (r) or (d), but truth be told it's just a way to appease the masses of people to the hard left and right and keep them from starting the revolution. The lobbyitst pay them for their votes and we the people put their dumb asses in office, and somehow it is what it is....And somehow seems to work quite nicely all things considered.
and it turns into liberal vs conservative.

I am supprised the Government doesn't come to a screeching halt.

What I'm surprised is that they only have 2 words to confine all political views, which IMO is extremely short-sighted.
All too often it seems to. But I submit that we have some on both fringes of the bell curve among us.

I look about and see people with differing political ideals working together and getting along every day. I do it. There is a large segment of the population that doesn't vocalize their stance, until they pull a lever.

Remember, this site has a miniscule percentage of the population. We share many demographics. This is anything BUT a fair sampling of anything except maybe time wasting computer users unafraid to reach across the cyberspan and form some level of relationship with someone they'll never have to sit in a room with.
That would be just finger pointing, and he posted this, he said that etc.

It's all opinion, and hyperbole.

That's true. The way I look at it at soon as someone tries to blame one side for something that has nothing to do with liberal/conservative it puts the other side on the defensive putting the blame back on them.

Like in the child porn thread. If someone says "in typical liberal fashion" and you can easily point out that it's at least as often a fashion of conservatives it's going to devolve into a liberal/conservative thing from there.

The truth being whatever the incident it's probably not "typical" of the average liberal or conservative. Over generalizing and rhetoric is silly and does bring the government to a screeching halt often.

It's easy for someone to take a rational discussion and derail it with rhetoric and ridiculous generalizations. It's very difficult to bring it back the other way.
the real question is, with canadian men being as miserably passive as they are, how do YOU fuckers get anything done?

Is this forum anything like reality, with the politics, how does anything get done?
Pretty much mirrors the current reality in my view. Isn't it pretty obvious that very little other than pissing an moaning actually gets done in America anymore? We're falling apart from the inside out and yet we're told our greatest fear should be a few thousand medieval jackasses with a bug up their ass. :shrug:
What I see is that since the 60's the left used unconvential measure, with passion, to make thier points. It worked, many issues came to the front and got addressed.

40 years later... every minority group that has seen the success of 'being radical' and the skweeky wheel effect, now is demanding attention and are constantly stretching the limit to get the attention. Ramp-up the Activity - The end justifies the means.

VietNam, Watergate, Huge Social Revoultion, The nature of conservatives is tone down after such situation. Those two issues, Kent State... We were damaged, nationally, personally and emotionally, we felt shame (something that is a key in the difference between the two parties)

WE quieted down and reflected as left gained momentum.

Enter Reagan.

Reagan was a leader of men, on both sides. He acheived great things and turned America around. Trickle down worked, the wall fell, and the world knew America was a nation united in strength, honor and pride.

This is when the Congressional stunts began, the unconvential protest has been elected to office.

Enter Clinton

Riding the trickle down success, the dotcom era Clinton came in and gave China WTO status and free run of...everything, NAFTA, Having a marital affair in the peoples house, lying to the people directly, which in itself is a disgrace to every American and damaging on so many levels.

Then, lying under oath and resulting impeachment, remorse or humility, only arrogance and spin.

THIS is when and where the Conservatives began to learn about *new politics. The left was finally being challenged, the means were being questioned and inspected.

Ask a liberal about the Clinton impeachment, they will tell you it was about sex.

Conservatives have been floundering since Nixon, I think it was Gore that we can thank for showing America how far the left is willing go.

Slowly as people see the antics of the left they getting louder, getting bolder, ever growing.

So what you see and hear is, the Conservative finally fighting back, the unconvential skweeky wheel getting louder and looking for new loop-holes to exploit in the effort maintain the advantages they held for so long.

...and its really just begining, it will get worse.

*pre-emptively smacks RM, Gonz, et alia
;)'re needing to be sweetly man handled. :bgpimp:

spike: thupupupupupupupupup :hippy:
I look about and see people with differing political ideals working together and getting along every day. I do it. There is a large segment of the population that doesn't vocalize their stance, until they pull a lever.

yep, and much of it is the media's fault...
Take my uncle for example....
He says the news tears up his nerves so much, he hardly ever watches it.
When he does, many times he doesn't see issues that need to be seen.
He's otherwise a very smart person...retired from the state IRS.
He hasn't even heard of the lesser cover candidates...Tancredo, Hunter, or
the "non-so called front runners" on the dem side.

If the media didn't go by the polls in deciding which candidates would get
coverage, and give equal time...

The media is Very powerful among the sheeple.
I for one wany my politicians in a fist fight. They had better be representing the views of their constituents & fighting for what is expected of them.

The fewer things that get done, the better we all are. Fewer stupid laws. Fewer taxes. Fewer entitlements.

Government takes. It never gives.