Questionable source


molṑn labé
Staff member
I hate propagating this crap but it could be in the best interest of some

A message posted on an Internet forum today by an al-Qaida-linked group calls on Muslims to flee New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles ahead of major terror attacks in those cities, intelligence newsletter DEBKAfile reports.

According to DEBKA, the Jeddah-based Al-Islah society posted the message, which reportedly accuses the United States of predetermining its end (doom) by its policies:

"The Jews rule the Pentagon by remote control and (are the cause) of Muslims being killed in every corner of the world. The United States should therefore expect more blows."

The message was signed on behalf of the al-Bayan (The Threat) movement by "your warrior brother, Abul Hassan al Khadrami," the intelligence newsletter said.
Y'know, the KKK could send out a message like that under the al-Qaida banner and have the south nearly black free in a week. j/k