Questions fo admins


Well-Known Member
I have not been able to access the site from anywhere the past few days why?

but the real question is: about how much bandwidth per month does a message board like this take up? and how much can u guess one with 2x the members would take up?

thank you for you time.
The site experienced a DNS change that caused it to be out for a few days.

All 3 sites (XiBase, OTC, TSS) combined used up about a gig and a half in the last 12 days, but most of that was from me downloading all the nightly backups. Assuming you have GZIP compression enabled, you usually won't get anywhere near 5 gigs unless you have more than about 200 active members (log in at least once a week) or have a LOT of image activity going on (text is compressed easily and goes down to quite a compact size, but most images are already as compressed as they can be)
excellent then i guess a 10 gb transfer a month should be able to house a decent size message board and a medium traffic site?
That should about do it, just make sure it's able to use GZIP compressed output, otherwise you may need 15-20
RCThost doesn't appear to have zlib compiled into PHP, you won't be able to use GZIP there.

Here are a couple more you might want to look at

Ventures Online has incredibly powerful servers with a reputation for reliability, but is pretty expensive

Intense Hosting has cheap plans with cheap servers (PHP hasn't been updated in a while) but you may find them to be more affordable than VO
how can u tell? is it the version of php they have? far this one looks to be the best price for storage space and all. perhaps i could get on thier forums and ask about GZIP.

don't worry i am not trying to complete against you site. i have other plans :cool: how can u tell? is it the version of php they have? far this one looks to be the best price for storage space and all. perhaps i could get on thier forums and ask about GZIP.

don't worry i am not trying to complete against you site. i have other plans :cool:
how can u tell? is it the version of php they have? far this one looks to be the best price for storage space and all. perhaps i could get on thier forums and ask about GZIP.

don't worry i am not trying to complete against you site. i have other plans :cool:
I looked on their PHP Info page and didn't find any indication zlib was installed or that gzip support was enabled. If it's enabled, PHP Info would show "gzip, deflate" in HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING.

It couldn't hurt to ask them to compile PHP with zlib, but are you prepared to be stuck with them in 3 month periods? Ask them if they offer any money back guarantees if you're not satisfied with the service within x days
Hey they just told me GZIP is enabled. what you think? this a good deal?

oh and is it possible to set most of this up with little/no current knowledge of php?
phpBB is very easy to install. It does most of the steps with little or no intervention by you. It's changing the looks of it that will kill ya...
thank you for the help it is much appriciated.

what do you think of phpnuke for web sites as well?
A weblog app of some sort, like phpWebLog. It looks similar to php-puke but is without all the hassle of setting up