Quick! pop quiz who are your senators and congressmen?


PS Don't look em up if you don't have to, I did have to look up the state level ones to remmeber what district they were in.

US Senate for Washington State: Patty Murray (D), Maria Cantwell (D)

US House (6th district) Norm Dicks (D)

State senate 24th legaslative district: Jim Hargrove (D)

State house 24th district: Jim Buck (R), Lynn Kessler (D)
Bill Frist and Lamar Alexander (both republican) are my senators. Bart Gordon (D) is my congressman.
I should point out that senators are congressmen. The word you were looking for is "representatives."

My House Representative is Bill Thomas (R-Bakersfield). Senators are Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, both Democrats.