Quoting LL on Americanism


New Member
LL said:
So I can't call you a fellow American? I mean, I consider Hawai'i as a state, with Americans living there.

disclaimer: 'kay don't worry folks. I'm actually liking this q&a and feeling quite civil this morning ;)

Call me American, I won't answer. ;)
Yes, Hawaii is a state, but like I said, Hawaiians weren't even allowed to vote, only the American businessmen who were living here were allowed to vote on being a part of the US. That's why most Hawaiians don't consider ourselves true Americans.
Then why don't you secede? Or rather, if a vote comes up and you have the chance to secede from the United States, would you? Would you (Hawaiins) cause us to remove your star from the Stars and Stripes? :(
Actually, we've been in a long ongoing fight for sovereignty.

When Clinton was pres, he signed an apology bill for the overthrow (US Public Law 103-150). Some saw that as a stepping stone for sovereignty because our overthrown queen surrendered, "until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representatives and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the Constitutional Sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands."
Apology bill found at http://www.hawaii-nation.org/publawsum.html

"...the logical consequences of this resolution would be independence."
- Senator Slade Gorton (R-Washington), US Senate Congressional Record
Wednesday, October 27, 1993, 103rd Cong. 1st Sess.
I honestly considered you fellow Americans, who I would want to protect when I join the Marines. Ah well, I'm sorry, I didn't know about this issue.
Well, if any of my family ever joined the armed forces, I would want them to protect you too, 'cause you're my friend.
kuulani said:
Well, if any of my family ever joined the armed forces, I would want them to protect you too, 'cause you're my friend.
Hey you're right :D You just changed categories, from fellow American to friend. :)