Considering the amount of time you, personally, go on an anti-'gringo' bent, I figured this would be enough to rankle you. Fact...there are people of African descent living in Mexico. I knew that, and, deep down, so did you. We had a discussion sometime last year about slavery, and the fact that Mexico had no slavery. You said it was Nuevo Espana, but it made no difference because there were people from Africa enslaved in that area of the Americas. Let's move on to now...Your duly elected Presidente Fox made a statement that can be classified as racist, and "horrors", you agreed with the fact that his statement was, indeed, insulting. Now we have a stamp being endorsed by the Mexican government which is clearly racist, and you take offense. El Chavo (also Chapulin Colorado
) and Cantinflas are both 'white' Mexicans, so they're potrayal is always held in higher esteem than the portrayal of black Mexicans and Native Mexicans.