Racistas maldecidos

Afro-mexican? WTF IS THAT?????

In all seriousness, I've never seen a black mexican. I've seen pretty dark brown ones, but never a black. All black people I have seen were foreigners.

And now those gringos are trying to stick their noses into our bussiness :p What do you care if Memin Pingüin is on a stamp? Is just like any other character, 'el chavo' for instance isn't black, 'cantinflas' wasn't black, so wtf is the big deal with this one? (ohh I forgot, he's black and silly therefore is racism)
Luis G said:
Afro-mexican? WTF IS THAT?????

In all seriousness, I've never seen a black mexican. I've seen pretty dark brown ones, but never a black. All black people I have seen were foreigners.

And now those gringos are trying to stick their noses into our bussiness :p What do you care if Memin Pingüin is on a stamp? Is just like any other character, 'el chavo' for instance isn't black, 'cantinflas' wasn't black, so wtf is the big deal with this one? (ohh I forgot, he's black and silly therefore is racism)

Considering the amount of time you, personally, go on an anti-'gringo' bent, I figured this would be enough to rankle you. Fact...there are people of African descent living in Mexico. I knew that, and, deep down, so did you. We had a discussion sometime last year about slavery, and the fact that Mexico had no slavery. You said it was Nuevo Espana, but it made no difference because there were people from Africa enslaved in that area of the Americas. Let's move on to now...Your duly elected Presidente Fox made a statement that can be classified as racist, and "horrors", you agreed with the fact that his statement was, indeed, insulting. Now we have a stamp being endorsed by the Mexican government which is clearly racist, and you take offense. El Chavo (also Chapulin Colorado:) ) and Cantinflas are both 'white' Mexicans, so they're potrayal is always held in higher esteem than the portrayal of black Mexicans and Native Mexicans.
Gato_Solo said:
Considering the amount of time you, personally, go on an anti-'gringo' bent, I figured this would be enough to rankle you. Fact...there are people of African descent living in Mexico. I knew that, and, deep down, so did you. We had a discussion sometime last year about slavery, and the fact that Mexico had no slavery. You said it was Nuevo Espana, but it made no difference because there were people from Africa enslaved in that area of the Americas. Let's move on to now...Your duly elected Presidente Fox made a statement that can be classified as racist, and "horrors", you agreed with the fact that his statement was, indeed, insulting. Now we have a stamp being endorsed by the Mexican government which is clearly racist, and you take offense. El Chavo (also Chapulin Colorado:) ) and Cantinflas are both 'white' Mexicans, so they're potrayal is always held in higher esteem than the portrayal of black Mexicans and Native Mexicans.

I do know there is african heritage, but those people HARDLY look like a black person, that's the whole thing I'm saying, at most they might look pretty damn brown but not black. Coast people tend to be darker because they spent hugh ammounts of time at sun exposure, so there goes the whole people from Guerrero and Oaxaca argument. I've been to Guerrero several times and I've never ever seen a black mexican there.

I admit a black person would get funny looks, but so would a yellow or one of those giant dutch women, they get looks because they are scarce and most of those are foreigners.

Calling someone Afro-Mexican is what I would define as racism (since they are already making themselves different from the rest), you are either a mexican or you're not, there are no types of mexicans.

The spaniards used slaves not only from Africa, they also used natives.

El Chavo and Cantinflas are not portrayed in a higher steem, they are just as silly as memin pingüin and condorito (which btw is a bird, call PETA?) and we all call them 'pendejos'. :D

Fox needs a wire from his brain (if he has one) to his mouth. ;)
So which is it lil' Louie Dood?

There are NO Black folks in mess-co


Because they are in the country they are Mexicans?
Any person with the citizenship should be referred to as mexican, not by their race. What's wrong with that? If you refer to them by their city or by their state is also proper, I'm Moreliano and Michoacano and Mexican. Within Mexico I would expect some people that to which I haven't been introduced to to call me Moreliano or they guy from Morelia. On another country mexican or from Mexico is perfectly acceptable.

For the first question, re-read both of my previous replies.
Luis G said:
Any person with the citizenship should be referred to as mexican, not by their race. What's wrong with that? If you refer to them by their city or by their state is also proper, I'm Moreliano and Michoacano and Mexican. Within Mexico I would expect some people that to which I haven't been introduced to to call me Moreliano or they guy from Morelia. On another country mexican or from Mexico is perfectly acceptable.

For the first question, re-read both of my previous replies.

Okay...so why is Memin always abused by whites in the comics, if there is no racism? Why were the features, adopted from racist gringo ads BTW, used for him? Why is he now being placed on stamps, when the rest of the world knows that such a caricature stinks of racist ideas and thoughts? ;) I'm waiting to hear the response on this one, too...
AFAIK, he is placed on stamps because there is a commemorative collection dedicated to mexican caricatures.

Excuse me, but I fail to see the racism in that. The cartoon is old and is part of the culture of many childs (and not-so-childs).

Following links from the first URL you posted I found this, and it seems a perfectly good explanation:
I find so hard to believe that this is considered a news story in this great USA. When I was a 12-13 year old boy, I would read this magazine and laugh so hard at the situations this little boy used to get into. The idea that I was making fun of a black kid, because he was black never existed. What I see here is a culture that needs to convince itself that it's not racist. It seems so absurd to try to tell us, the ones who grew up with this comic, that if we enjoyed the jokes of an exagerated drawing of a black kid, then we were and probably still are, racists. My question is who was looking at the kid? Who was reading and saying "I need to get another Memin, it sure makes fun of black people!" In the americans comics, when you have a white figure drawn with certain exagerated aspects, is it racist?

I do not expect anyone from your country to understand that, because your people have suffered so much due to racism (we're not) that you are almost paranoid (we're not) and we can laugh at some character without even thinking about the word racism.

I bet most people complaining about it have not taken the time to research completely about the Memin Pinguin character (have you, Gato?), he has really good qualities not present in the "white boys" and I don't see anyone pointing that out. You can read spanish ;)

Memín Pinguín es considerada como una de las historietas más representativas y de mayor lectura en México.

En el marco internacional también ha gozado de grandes reconocimientos.

En 1985, el Ministerio de Educación de Filipinas declaró a Memín Pinguín como lectura obligatoria en las escuelas, debido a que "fomenta en los estudiantes el respeto hacia la familia y las instituciones".

More here http://members.tripod.com/gmoaguilera/
Here http://foros.kaliman.com.mx/discus/messages/41/4029.html?1111975752

I'm sure you can reasearch more on it ;)

In Mexico City, hundreds flocked to post offices to try and get their own copies of the stamps.

Many took exception to comments by White House spokesman Scott McClellan that the stamps "have no place in today's world".

"We are not racists. We are not offending anyone. He is a very sweet character," shopper Teresa Montalvo said.

"People's colour is all the same to us, we are all brothers."

Businessman Cesar Alonso Alvarado accused the US of discriminating against Mexico, a country without a significant black community and little understanding of political correctness.

"They're the racists. They're worse than we are, but they just want to belittle us, like always," he said.

Full story

Just to throw some more wood to the fire ;)
I think we should make stamps of both the Frito Bandito and Speedy Gonzales. While we're at it, how about Charlie from the original Mr. Magoo cartoons. ;)
I used to love Speedy Gonzalez, as for the frito bandito I didn't even know it existed, and perhaps the ones that complained about it were people on your country not here (it would be weird for someone to care about it over here.)
Free Speedy!

Arriba! Arriba! Arriba!

Justice is Served!!!

That place: The Cartoon Network Latin America, where, ironically enough, Speedy Gonzales is "hugely popular," Goldberg said.

From your source ;)