Rally for America


molṑn labé
Staff member
A little to rah-rah for the third day into a war for my tastes but good to see a few (15,000+) who don't hate America. Some are blindly devoted but that's a thread for another time.
What?! Those ladies near the front aren't even paying attention! :lol:

Hmmm, I was just thinking how happy they all look! :(
about 17,000 out of a population area of 500,000 = 3% supporting our troops

200,000 out of a population area over 15 million hating our troops = 1%


We had one near Memphis, but I had to work and wasn't able to get off work. I heard about 6,000 attended which isn't bad for this neck of the woods.
I hate rah-rah type of events but I was compelled to go. It was the least we could do.

They also raised a bumper crop of needed items for the troops (500 flea collars, over 3000 lip balms, several hundred swim goggles, 800+ rolls of TP, etc).
