Rand Paul lays it to Clinton on Benghazi

Just like the pres., She did a lot of talking and said nothing.
The REAL answers were either "oh that's and on going investigation" or "that's classified"
As usual.
they fucked up + gave an explanation before the situation was clear. 'cause monkeys like perez_winky_hilton want the scoop now, on internets time!

the amusing part is the same morons who are outraged would be the first ones to accept no explanation whatsoever from the previous administration - or anyone else on 'our side' - and still keep chugging those pom poms.

but, then, who really needed the gov to tell us they were terrorists.

meanwhile, extrajudicial drone killings continue! go team!!!

there's over 4000 US dead from the iraq debacle. oh yeah, and we also got the arab spring out of it.

gee, i wonder how herman cain would deal with any of this LMFAO...
i thought you guys shared a condo. are you still mad at him over the bad avocado dip at the pride parade after party?
that stevens dude was a homo he deserved to die anyawy
who sends a fag to Libya?
gee, i wonder how herman cain would deal with any of this LMFAO...

we'll never know
I personally have given up on the "what coulda been" scenarios.
I'm back to just dealing with the here and now, and on that note......
Just pretty much all of north Africa is fucked up now.
dude africa has been fucked up since even before the missionaries showed up. too bad they weren't smart enough to slaughter 'em wholesale and more forcefully discourage more imperialism.
yeah, to a certain degree, but good or bad it was somewhat stable.
Now it's just chaos.
I tell ya, I wouldn't want to be the one heading up the intel committee, or CIA on that area.
As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, at this point I couldn't fault her on much on the situations in Africa.
It still boggles my mind as to why that ambassador took that job he got killed on in the first place.
They couldn't pay me enough to be one anywhere over there.
well you don't have to worry. i don't think they're gonna try to recruit you as an ambassador or secret agent. you're not pompous and upper-crusty enough to be an ambassador and i'd think you'd fail the physical, drug test, background test, et cetera for "the company."

i don't think either of 'em would be in a hurry to recruit me either... though the CIA does leverage "my kind" fairly extensively... yeah of course i would refuse the job cause gotholic says that the CIA is evil and under the control of communist international jewry.
It wouldn't matter even if they did ask.
I'd Never work for the current admin.
They've already shown, that they can't be trusted to cover your back.
yeah i would not be in a hurry to work for scro-tar either, but, then, i can't really think of a recent president that i would want to work for. guess i should just turn the ringer off on my phone in case they call.
well then yer off the hook for being single-handedly responsible for the fate of the nation