Random internet fun


Well-Known Member
So I'm searching the internet for some good dolphin jokes, and I come across this post on a message board:

Ken L
Jan 12 2002, 12:53 AM

When I used to live in the north east, there was a resident dolphin that lived just off the coast and would come up to divers and interact with them - I think it was known as "Fungi".
A local guy was arrested for interfearing with Fungi (yes, sexually !) whilst diving, but got off with slap on the wrist from the local magistrate.
Rumor had it that the stress caused by the media interest and the stigma broke up his marrage.
Allegedly his responce on being told by his wife that she was leaving him was "Never mind, there's plenty more fish in the sea".


Needless to say, that got a nice chuckle from me. :D
So I'm searching the internet for some good dolphin jokes

I'm at a complete loss at coming up with a Smilie that quite expresses my reaction to that.

But at least the guy found his Porpoise in life.