Rant time - Persistence of supposedly "NEW" revelations on reality.


Well-Known Member
Rant time - Persistence of supposedly "NEW" revelations on reality.

[Rant] Have you ever heard things through out life and understood their meaning but only come to know their value and true meaning through experience. Like your mamma told you certain things that were persistent and consistent in life and you shrugged off and said yes that you understood their meanings....in reality you did but you really didn't untill they treaded all over you only leaving you to feel dazed and jaded in the reality march.

What i am reffering to is the age old saying Life is unfair. We all have heard that many times, that simply hearing it again in situations seems to act as a justification of why you were dealt the, as they say, bad crads. "I got screwed" life is unfair, "I was cheated" life is unfair and we all very well know it is....well atleast i thought i knew that it was untill lately i have really come to know that it was. The funny thing is that the revivfication of this thought occured due to no certian specific happenings during the past days, it just simply occured through many little, LITTLE, occurences all neatly wrapped in one little package. "You just got up one day and realized that life was a one big fuck carousel with dime a dozen heartless bastards you say?" ...sort of yes but stick with me (as if you haven't rolled over your eyes and keeled over in boredom by now). My question is why? Why does life have to be unfair...why do we make our existence a series or trials and tests to assert one's status as a tough survivor in this harsh humanity? Does it really have to be this harsh in the first place?...yes i know the answer is very obvious and i feel foolish for even asking such pointless mundane question but then again a rant is justified for being inane because it is after all a rant.....

It would seem in this hayday of a bustling arrogance of one's expreinces through adversity you are always slapped with the persistent notions of "reality". I am happy... "well then surely something will go wrong soon because happiness doesn't last". This is too good to be true..."It really isn't because as we know in reality we must suffer and toil even for mere bargains". I am afraid to love.... " as you should be because as we all know true love and friendship is hard to come by...it is every man for himself". The world is a terrible place, i wish i could help..."those are good intentions but what can you really do..just move on and live your life".

As if though reality today is a scary little monster out to eat your childern of happiness and comfort.....it sickens me but even as i type this i know my reality is a lot more silver lined than millions of others are. Technically i shouldn't even complain but i do out of sheer frustration of this mockery and monotony we have made our lives out to be.

Lately i have come to notice such a phenomenon on me. I can't say it is a creul joke of fate because i don't believe in fate enough to make me warrant it's existence and part in this act, so is it simply a giant hand of years of built up attitude of society or more rather the humanities dark side towards such a thing? A hand that eventually reaches for everyone to grab by the shirt and pull down to be put in place and numbered for later use. The only difference being the the two - one who realizes this eventual take down and expects it and prepares for it and the other (that being me) is surprised and discombulated by the eventual defeat....simply put..... "the woe is me".....

on second though nope.....fuck it...i'll just join those who act like they knew it was coming rather the ones who truly did.[/RANT]

I am at a loss for words to how i should end this..surely enough the exit should be grand and garish. I should quote some philosopher or a famous poet or a respected author but sadly enough i don't read enough or feel i am smart enough to even justify this rant. To those who read through the whole thing i applaud you...simply because of your nerves of steel to stand such buffonery. Thank you.

Actually i will quote the famous Khanna "Ye Zindagi badi kuti cheez hai" good bye then

P.S.S - I expect nothing much out of this thread solely due to the fact even as i read over i don't feel the need or interest to look over it
Humans can't never be completely happy because of the desire to have more.

Imagine people starving from a very poor country, if you ask them what they want to be happy they'd say "food and medicine", well, give it to them, and they will still be unhappy because now they want something else, give them all, and they will still want something else.

It seems that total happiness is a momentary lapse of pleasure triggered by accomplishing a goal, but after the lapse is finished you make yourself a new goal and start to pursuit it (a process that doesn't make you 100% happy).
In a perfect world it would be a perfect world. :D
I find life to be eminently fair. Unforgiving, frequently disappointing, but fair.
*digs out his old book of philosophy*

Ah yes......

As a wise old philosopher once said, "Gravity is a myth.......the Earth sucks!"

*wanders off singing the closing song from The Life of Brian*

What dipshit ever thought life is fair (sorry chcr)? It's not. It's eminently easier if you chose to not let the little things distract you from your goals. Pursuit of happiness is exactly that, pursuit. If, once a "happy point" is achieved, we'd stay & remain happy, life would be meaningless.
Guess it depends on your definition of fair, Gonz. Two sayings I'm very fond of that describe my outlook fairly well:

1. Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

2. I didn't make the world, I'm simply trying to survive it.
Dude, I dont mean to sound like I dont care, because I have been and frequently find myself exactly where you are myself. Then I get laid and none of it seems to matter!!

Re: Rant time - Persistence of supposedly

AnomalousEntity said:
Dude, I dont mean to sound like I dont care, because I have been and frequently find myself exactly where you are myself. Then I get laid and none of it seems to matter!!


A good lay only hides the dust under the social carpet.....sooner or later it comes back out.
Re: Rant time - Persistence of supposedly

Buttcrackdivine said:
A good lay only hides the dust under the social carpet.....sooner or later it comes back out.

But damn it feels good :D

Tip: keep fucking.
Re: Rant time - Persistence of supposedly

AnomalousEntity said:
Dude, I dont mean to sound like I dont care, because I have been and frequently find myself exactly where you are myself. Then I get laid and none of it seems to matter!!
Without your girlfriend, you'd be one screwed (or more truthfully, not being screwed) individual! :rfap: