

Too cute for words
Y'know, I was supposed to start my vacation tomorrow, but nnnooooo!!!!!! My boss comes to me and says "I need tread rubber inventoried before the end of the quarter." I'm the only one who understands the retread plant software well enough to do this, evidently. Now, I really have nothing whatsoever to do with the retread plant, but now, at 1PM, I have to count this shit. Now, I have to go in on Saturday and do the paperwork. When I took this job, it was with the understanding that I didn't have to work Saturdays unless it was an emergency and I had at least a week notice. My effing vacation was supposed to start tomorrow. I'll tell you, if I could afford it, I would have walked right then! Haven't had an effing raise in two effing years either. I really don't expect to be treated this way. I geuss I'll start looking Monday. I hate looking for a job, goddammit.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
If you gave notice for your vacation & it was accepted, screw 'em.
Naw. Hold it over his head and demand another week at the end of it all.
I already get more than I usually use.
And you can say FUCK, especially there.
Force of habit, I guess. When I was younger, it was probably the most used word in my vocabulary.

Umm... Mr... umm.. Chic... ummm... riiight... We um... had let go of Stacy this week and we all umm... need to pick up the slack... umm... right... I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. ... In fact... umm... you might as well come in on Sunday too... umm... riiight.
Actually, I'm interviewing with BMI on Tuesday. I'm not really sure I'm qualified for the position they have (SANs, blade servers and Macs are a stretch) but I'm betting I can figure it out on the fly.

Edit: Oh, and today I'm checking up behind the payables girls. I don't know what I'm supposed to know about that not being an accountant or anything, but there it is.

Edit again: I'm going on vacation Aug. 2nd BTW. I'll come back on the 13th.
well i sure hope that BM works out for you on Tuesday.

my GF's brother just got canned. similar situation as yer's. he'd told them weeks before that he'd planned some family thing. they told him to come in on a saturday, he said no, and bye bye. kinda surprising as he's one of those super-duper smiley overachiever kind of guys (though in a genuine, not irritating, sorta way.)

i never fuck my minions over. i'll take some of their work home over a weekend rather than make them do it, assuming they are generally trying to do well and have a decent attitude.
Man, I didn't look at the dates and I saw Prof had posted and since today it a Friday it made sense that this thread could have been started today...then I realized it was old...I miss Prof.
well i sure hope that BM works out for you on Tuesday.

my GF's brother just got canned. similar situation as yer's. he'd told them weeks before that he'd planned some family thing. they told him to come in on a saturday, he said no, and bye bye. kinda surprising as he's one of those super-duper smiley overachiever kind of guys (though in a genuine, not irritating, sorta way.)

i never fuck my minions over. i'll take some of their work home over a weekend rather than make them do it, assuming they are generally trying to do well and have a decent attitude.

Oh, they can't fire me (well maybe can't is a bit strong but they won't). No one else has any idea how the system works or is put together. They're screwed if I leave yet theey ignore me when I make suggestions and piss and moan to beat the band when I talk about how other sysadmins are paid.

Oh, and it's BMI as in BMI/ASCAP. BM is something else altogether (already had one, thanks).
So... just how are other sysadmins paid?
Rubles, Shekels??
Since this rant was created in oh three are we
to assume you are just now getting around to
your vacation 52 months later?
So... just how are other sysadmins paid?
Rubles, Shekels??
Since this rant was created in oh three are we
to assume you are just now getting around to
your vacation 52 months later?

1. More of whatever their getting paid in than I get.
2. I've taken a couple since then. Painted my pool on my vacation last year. Very relaxing.

Oh, the BMI job fell through. Wasn't really qualified.
Any other leads yet? ... or have you resigned yourself to depression and irritation over the winter at the same old same old?
Any other leads yet? ... or have you resigned yourself to depression and irritation over the winter at the same old same old?

I'm a sucker. My new boss (I work directly for the company controller and the old one retired this year) is intelligent enough to understand that he can't understand what it is I really do so he leaves me alone. He also got my a two buck an hour raise. He also likes college football and buys the beer at the bar on Thursday nights. I suppose if I had less integrity I'd take more advantage of the situation. I'm pretty sure the owner of our company expects me to.