rational risk mitigation, syndicate style.

Makes perfect sense to me.
Lawyers FTW
Defending attorney Jason Langley argued in a brief he filed on behalf of the hospital chain that the court “should not overturn the long-standing rule in Colorado that the term ‘person,’ as is used in the Wrongful Death Act, encompasses only individuals born alive. Colorado state courts define ‘person’ under the Act to include only those born alive. Therefore Plaintiffs cannot maintain wrongful death claims based on two unborn fetuses.”

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
some pregged out broad arrives at the hospital with a fatal condition and dies
shit happens
ain't no reason to sue
case dismissed Next pointless lawsuit
So, the Catholic Church is capable of playing politics. Whooda thunk it?
I don't really care if some broad wants to get her uterus scraped out.
Or if fags think they can get married
Or if the government wants to take your guns
Or if the government decides all my healthcare
Or taxes away all your income
Or marches you into a FEMA death camp
I just want my free shit?
Colorado Bishops Respond to Catholic Health Initiatives Allegations

The Catholic bishops of Colorado learned recently of the deaths of Lori Stodghill and her two unborn children, which took place at St. Thomas More Hospital in Cañon City, Colo. in 2006. We wish to extend our solidarity and sympathy to Lori’s husband Jeremy, and her daughter, Elizabeth. Please be assured of our ongoing prayers.

From the moment of conception, human beings are endowed with dignity and with fundamental rights, the most foundational of which is life.

Catholics and Catholic institutions have the duty to protect and foster human life, and to witness to the dignity of the human person—particularly to the dignity of the unborn. No Catholic institution may legitimately work to undermine fundamental human dignity.

Catholic Health Initiatives is a Catholic institution which provides health care services in 14 states, providing care to thousands of people annually. Catholic Health Initiatives has been accused by some of undermining the Catholic position on human life in the course of litigation. Today, representatives of Catholic Health Initiatives assured us of their intention to observe the moral and ethical obligations of the Catholic Church.

The Catholic bishops of Colorado are not able to comment on ongoing legal disputes. However, we will undertake a full review of this litigation, and of the policies and practices of Catholic Health Initiatives to ensure fidelity and faithful witness to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

wow. the boy who sees a conspiracy in everything can resolve this issue through the voice of the corporation that says "no comment."


how about something in your own words about the ethical problem?

"my own words. what are those?"
a woman was having a heart attack
she wasn't giving birth
she died
Catholics don't perform abortions
end of story
yes to a rational, sleek modern specimen such as yourself.

but the primitives need their holy principles, lest they stray from the holy path.

arbeit macht frei.

i guess it's okay for a holier than thou institution which spews principles to rescind them when convenient. do as they say. not as they do.

perhaps it's the situational ethics of the church's love of its own pocketbook.
Do you expect a church, in a court of law, to not use the same law that seeks to condemn them? They weren't
having an ethical debate in a café, they were in court, and using legal precedent.

the actual story
you are right they have a duty to exploit any practical advantage, regardless of any conflicting moral stance they may otherwise chuck off to.

ultimately it's all just parody anyway. it's not like we need more evidence of the church's corruption.