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NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) -- Wrapping up that unwanted picture frame from last Christmas and giving it to someone else as a gift might not be as taboo as it once was, according to a study released Wednesday.

The survey of 1,505 American adults, conducted by market research firm Harris Interactive, found that over half of the respondents admitted to "re-gifting" with passing on gifts becoming a far more common and acceptable phenomenon.

In fact 78 percent of consumers who were polled felt that it was acceptable to re-gift some or most of the time.

Nancy Wong, a spokeswoman for Harris Interactive, said she was surprised by the number of people who admitted to re-gifting.

"It's not something I've thought about and when I saw that nearly half had done it -- 52 percent have re-gifted and or would re-gift -- it's quite a significant number," Wong told Reuters.
We ended up with 4 cockpots after the wedding. We regifted one of them, gave it to my new brother-in-law.
If you throw in a fridgepack of coke I would be set for Christmas....okay, so that and some diamond earrings.
Good to see gratitude is alive & well. Seems we have too much much in fact we're unhappy with new stuff.
Actually, I think a lot of folks buy for others without engaging their brains to see if they would enjoy the gift. I'm sure the recipients of the gifts were grateful but the gift in question was either redundant or not something at all required.
I ex-husbands Aunt seemed to really enjoy the silver pictureframe that someone had given us the year before and she was a heck of a lot more likely to use it than us :shrug:
People have a nasty habit of buying me smelly stuff that I don't like and will never use... I mean bath oils when I can't physically use a bath is pretty dumb don't you think? Plus the fact I'm sensitive to most of it and end up with a rash if I'm daft enough to use it... I tell them all the time not to get me anything like that, but do they listen? I think they just can't be bothered to work out what I would like, though I have to say I'm very difficult to buy gifts for. They did stop buying me chocolates though so maybe something has gotten through...
Good to see gratitude is alive & well. Seems we have too much much in fact we're unhappy with new stuff.

it's not that we were unhappy with the CROCKpots, it's just that we didn't need 4 of them so we gave one to someone who would like it :shrug: as far as i can recall it's the only time ive ever regifted
Waste not, want not. 'Tis better to re-gift than what I usually do - throw it away. :shrug: Whoever said it above is right - it's not that I'm ungrateful about the stuff I get, I just think someone else can find better use for something that I never use or never wanted in the first place.