Reading up on cults


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Bored here at work, so I am reading up on cults, interesting stuff.

Mostly reading on $cientology...(operation cl4mb4ke) writing in leetspeak cause it made me paranoid.

anyway I have come to the conclusion that the most evil culte4d up person would be a $cientologist amway salesperson.

Have you ever read up on any of these things? Have you ever joined any of these things? are you still a member?

My only forray into the cult lifestyle was I joined up with amway once, (and yes it is a cult) went on an amway weekend, it was SCARY lotsa fundy bible thumpin' Lotsa how this is gonna change your life. Not at the weekend the people involved (was spoken to it twice, by 2 diffrent people) it was all don't read this, some of the reading up I did later says they actually tell you to stay away from "negative" influences.
BeardofPants said:
*points and laughs
AMWAY?! Bwahaha you fool. :rofl:
*remembers that her oma belongs to AMWAY.


It seemed like a good idea at the time....ok it didn't, it was a live and learn situation, I knew it was a bad idea, but I had no idea how bad it was, I had to fake sick so we could escape the hotel and skip the stupid seminars (13 hour bus trip, you arrive, straight to a damn seminar thing)
Yes, I've been involved with a religious cult in the past... when I was in my early twenties and very vulnerable... it took some getting out of. I can only blame my involvement on the emotional abuse I suffered from my mother as a child. They're very good at sucking you in by making you feel loved and wanted then threatening to take that away if you don't do what they want. It really is another form of emotional abuse.

It's also the reason I'm not into "born again" christians or any form of organised religion. Plus I tend not to let people get so close to me these days which makes it hard for me to form friendships. The internet is different because it's a barrier between you and the people you interact with, so you feel safe.
paul_valaru said:
It seemed like a good idea at the time....ok it didn't, it was a live and learn situation, I knew it was a bad idea, but I had no idea how bad it was, I had to fake sick so we could escape the hotel and skip the stupid seminars (13 hour bus trip, you arrive, straight to a damn seminar thing)

That was extremely scary. Thank god for the faking! At least we had a chance to visit Phili. Remember the shoe shine guy that had major ass muscles?
Since I was quite young, I've thought they were all cults. ;)

Do you know that once, in the years before $cientology, our old buddy L. Ron (shouldn't that be Elron?) actually said, "If you really want to make money, start a religion."

Thus spake Elron and it thus he did. :rofl: Of course, the only members Elron seems to be interested in are the rich or famous ones.
yup, his plan for the religion was to get the celebs first because if you can get them, us lemmings will follow. "hey, I'm like Tom Cruise!"
I was accosted by a Scientologist once. When I told him to fuck off or I'd gut him .....he got the point almost immediately.
A buddy of mine bought a $cientology book used for $1 to see what the whole thing was about, out of curiosity. He said he knew less than he did before he read the book. I guess you got to pay more than a buck for total enlightenment.
I'm bit rusty on the subject, but did he actually mean to start a religion or was it this fantastic book people decided to just follow?
Same as they did without him before. 10-6, lost to the Jets in the first round of the playoffs. Or something similar.
might wanna try searching "new religious movements." the term "cult" isn't used so much any more by those that seriously study them, though it is a darling of media sensationalism.

old school sociological definition of "cult" excluded those born into a group, i.e. those in a "cult" were recruited. otherwise, regardless of weird or otherwordly beliefs, they call any group a "sect" instead of a cult.

anyway, some things i've found interesting in the past...

"cargo cults," which are both funny and sad
millenarian/chiliastic movements (this stuff is really applicable these days with all the talk about "end times")
jim jones and the peoples temple (his social ambitions and their defeat are both interesting and hilarious)
the baghwan rajneesh and rajneeshpuram, the town he took over/created in oregon
2minkey said:
jim jones and the peoples temple (his social ambitions and their defeat are both interesting and hilarious)
913 dead. I just can't stop laughing. You breath through your mouth and pick your nose, huh?
Uki Chick said:
That was extremely scary. Thank god for the faking! At least we had a chance to visit Phili. Remember the shoe shine guy that had major ass muscles?

he made the trip worthwhile..that rest was disturbing
If it involves gettin naked in large, coed groups and pouring copious amounts of oil on each other, sign me up.
paul_valaru said:
he made the trip worthwhile..that rest was disturbing

A man's muscular ass made your trip worthwhile??? Paul, I was only joking about the tutu and tiara, dude.
Professur said:
A man's muscular ass made your trip worthwhile??? Paul, I was only joking about the tutu and tiara, dude.

hardy har har

major ass mucsles as in major ass big engine

not major bum muscles

he was on of those interesting characters who you could listen to them talk for hours, old black guy, talking about the wars he was in the civil liberties movement, history, everything