Real World thread...


Too cute for words
...about the real world? Is such a thing even possible anymore?

Just curious (and rhetorical). Please go back to your regularly scheduled pissing and moaning about the other's opinions. Really, it's quite entertaining. :yawn:
My real world is what affects me.

*serenity prayer*

I offer my thoughts and opinions for everyones' scrutiny.

Judge it how you will, or ...not.

I've never been a "follow the leader" type person.
Some comments my be agreed with...some not.

IMO a persons words are a most important factor of who a person is.....
the other...actions.
Once we're all on the same page, in general, we can work out the details. Until then, it's war.

Or we can all stand in the middle & make no waves.
My real world don't translate too well with the rest of y'all's. Our traffic jams happen when two tractors git on th' same road. Our latest crime spree was three punks in Momma's car out bashin mailboxes with a ball bat (got mine too, the little fuckers). Ain't nowhere in the county I can get to take $14.95 for a cup of coffee no matter how much I try. The biggest designer clothes trend we got is Dixie Outfitters. I don't reckon we's overrun with them metro-seckshuls or th' bi-seckshuls or even the try anything seckshuls yet. We did have a two hour armed standoff in the middle of town last week where one got shot an' kill't...but it was a cow what got loose from th' stockyard.

I jes can't compete with all the city fellers an their stories of town an such. My real world just ain't like theirs. But I have noticed one thing. A gun goes off in town and everbody ducks...ouchere we look t'see who's doin the shootin'. We ignore what they take notice of. Then, I seen a lot o'them town fellers what won't take time to notice a bloomin tree, or a bird, or all manner of thing we take notice of out here in the sticks. I guess they ignore what we take notice of too. Maybe we ain't so dif...

Yeah we are.
yeah, we have a lot of wildlife that some people never see in person in their life time,
but are common here because of the geography.

The more in the stick one is, the more one needs to plan for longer foresight.
Just in case it's a while before going to town.
Knowing one's closer neighbors, and trying to be a good neighbor back.
Really, it's quite entertaining. :yawn:

how are we funny?
