Recall Gray Davis?


Well-Known Member
There's a push in California to get Gray Davis recalled. The big points against him are the state's power crisis, the fact that vehicle license fees are tripling in October, the fact that a $12 billion defecit in the state budget shot up to $34 billion as soon as he got re-elected. There's a lot of interesting reading on this.

As for me... personally, I'd like to see his ass booted out of here. But realistically... I still have reservations as to whether putting in someone else would help right now. I suppose it could... but no matter who's in office, Gray-out Davis fucked things up so much that anyone in charge would probably have to raise taxes.
Well, hopefully Arnold could "terminate" the tripling of the vehicle license fee. Thankfully my registration is due in August; the tripling takes effect immediately for people whose registration is due Oct. 1 or later. That means I won't have to pay the tripled amount until August 2004.
Bitchen' dude. When you are painted into a corner, don't bow out gracefully, slam the opponents.
That's how he won re-election in the first place, by running a shitload of attack ads against Richard Riordan during the primary season, which hurt him enough that the winner of the GOP primary was Bill Simon... whose subsequent campaign should go into every political science textbook as the perfect example of how NOT to run a campaign. Even with as much as Simon fucked up his campaign, he got 3.1 million votes to Davis' 3.5 million votes. This is the same Gray Davis that got 4.9 million votes in 1998.
After years under Riodan, I wouldn't have voted for him either. What I can't seem to fathom is the Cali voters putting Davis back in after seeing how horrifically he handled the energy problem. That is before teh unrecognized deficit debacle. Wasn't Davis the former Treasurer?
Gonz said:
Bitchen' dude. When you are painted into a corner, don't bow out gracefully, slam the opponents.

There's no reason for him to bow out with this guy behind the recall effort, of course he's going to slam the guy. With weapons charges and car theft it's a bit too easy.

I'm no big fan of Davis, but he's governor because the other choice was Simon at the time.
Another thing worth mentioning is that any special election will cost millions of dollars with the likely result that Davis will stay in office.

It could just be an huge waste of time and money.
I'll agree that the reason Davis is governor is because he looked better than Simon. But that's because Simon kept shooting himself in the foot, not because of anything good Davis did.
modern politics today is resplendent with negative voting, its a reality now and political parties should very careful in who they let stand.
Inkara1 said:
I'll agree that the reason Davis is governor is because he looked better than Simon. But that's because Simon kept shooting himself in the foot, not because of anything good Davis did.

One of these days there's going to be a candidate that I really like that's a serious contender in a major election right?

...oh sorry, I was daydreaming there for a second.