Reefer madness...

Toke, eat doritos & look stupid. There's no need for the ER, sheesh.
[sarcasm]But...but...sniffle...but it's just a harmless little plant. It's natural, so it must be good for you. We should legalize it so I can get high all I want and do damage to my body without being harassed by the mean old cops. Yeah, make this stuff legal and outlaw the Confederate flag because that harms anyone who views it, plus it's the way I want things, and that's all that matters. I wanna sit on my ass all day, get paranoid, kill my sperm count, play video games, eat Doritos and bacon bits until my cholesterol is unmanageable, and no one should be able to stop me.[/sarcasm]

[sarcasm]But...but...sniffle...but it's just a harmless little plant. It's natural, so it must be good for you. We should legalize it so I can get high all I want and do damage to my body without being harassed by the mean old cops. Yeah, make this stuff legal and outlaw the Confederate flag because that harms anyone who views it, plus it's the way I want things, and that's all that matters. I wanna sit on my ass all day, get paranoid, kill my sperm count, play video games, eat Doritos and bacon bits until my cholesterol is unmanageable, and no one should be able to stop me.[/sarcasm]
And then sue the gov't to cover the quadruple bypass surgery