Religion of peace says "If'n yer white yer alright"


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Report: Al Qaeda Is Building a White Army of Terror
Sunday, January 13, 2008

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Al Qaeda is building a white army of terror in the United Kingdom, according to the U.K.'s Scotland on Sunday.

According to a source at MI5 — the British equivalent of the CIA — 1,500 white Britons are believed to have converted to Islam with the purpose of funding, planning, and carrying out surprise terror attacks, the newspaper reported.

Click here to read the full Scotland on Sunday report.

Security experts say the growing number of white terrorists poses a serious threat because they are less likely to be detected than members of the Asian community.

Terror groups like Al Qaeda reportedly began recruiting white non-Muslims in response to the success intelligence services have had in disrupting and stopping extremist plots around the world.

One reported strategy the terrorists use is to look for converts in prisons, where those in custody tend to be lonely and particularly susceptible. Recruiters comfort and support the inmate, with little mention — if any — to religion, according to the paper. Over time, conversations turn more radical.

One of leading Muslim leaders disputed the claims of radicalization, saying Islam's strict moral code made it unattractive to many Westerners, the paper reported.
There's needn't be a declaration of hostilities (or war) to have treason.
There's needn't be a declaration of hostilities (or war) to have treason.

If espionage is in effect, then you could make the claim. Its one of those thin lines. A war declaration would make it treason, though. Too bad Congress decided to limit the President...and as a direct result, the DoD...just to hold onto their power. Rumsfeld didn't help matters, either.
Article III

Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

A single person can "levy war" against the United States; and there is no caveat that war be declared for someone to give aid and comfort to her enemies.
A single person can "levy war" against the United States; and there is no caveat that war be declared for someone to give aid and comfort to her enemies.

No, but that is how the law has always been applied.
This is against the Crown, not the Constitution, although, joining a group whose express interest is to cause terror is treasonous by its very nature sinec the ultimate goal is the overthrow of the law of the land.
So, is it treason in England?

Off with their heads!!!

With a pork coated blade...

oops, is my intolerance showing?