remember cristal pepsi?

Luis G

Staff member
Lastnight at the store I saw this pepsi, and made me remember that old cristal pepsi. It made feel somewhat nostalgic, so here it is:
It is a cycle product. Every 3 months or so they remove the previous version and introduce a new one.

So far I've seen blue pepsi, pepper pepsi (or was that cinammon), a green pepsi and now this one.
I actually like regular pepsi better than coke.

But I don't drink sodas often.
i prefer regular pepsi over regular coke, but diet coke over diet pepsi, but i usually push the mountain dew button on the vending machine.
Pepsi and Coke actually have the same amount of corn syrup. Pepsi, though is flavored differently, which makes it taste sweeter. Since I prefer the citrus taste of Coke over the vanilla taste of Poopsi, but the cherry taste of Dr Pepper even more, I usually wind up drinking water.