Remember John Kerrry


molṑn labé
Staff member
Mr Teresa Heinz? The one that flew his private plane back from Switzerland to call for, back & attend a failed filibuster that meant nothing?

The guy that voted for it before voting againt it?

The guy who put himself up for medals? Then threw them over the White House wall in protest only to have it discovered that he threw somebody elses medals & kept his?

The one who shot himself in the ass?

He's back
Sen. John Kerry claimed this morning on NBC TODAY that 53% of America's children do not graduate from high school -- a claim that raised eyebrows in the NBC control room, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Kerry made the comments after host Katie Couric asked the former presidential candidate about Bush's State of the Union call to train 70,000 additional teachers in math and science.

COURIC: He wanted to train 70,000 additional teachers in math and science.

KERRY: That's terrific. But 53 percent of our children don't graduate from high school. Kids don't have after-school programs... He didn't ask America to sacrifice anything to achieve great goals and the biggest example is making the tax cut permanent for the wealthiest people in America. The average American struggles to find time to take carry of families, working two or three jobs... It's a disgrace. He did not tell the real state of the union.

Kerry's 53% claim conflicts with a recent press release from the U.S. Census Bureau: "High School Graduation Rates Reach All-Time High"

And the Census Bureau's own website states: 85.9 Percent Of Americans Aged 20-24 Are High School Graduates. (U.S. Census Bureau Website, , Accessed 2/1/06)

Does Chirac need a running mate?
Perhaps we should train an additional 280,000,000 teachers. That way Kerry can claim 99..9% high school graduation as well as 99.9% government employee status as well as a 99.9% union stronghold. Its a demi-crat wet dream.
The private Catholic all boys college prep school
that my kid graduated from had a 98% rate of Kids that went
on to college (for those of you from Rio Linda that
means they also graduated from H.S.)

The Richy rich public HS (the best in the state)
that the second GF of my kid, a
millionaire’s daughter (i.e. Paradise Valley)
has a similar stat.

But no, all the schools around here, the one's the average Joe's
have to send their kids to school with a bunch of kids that
'don't speak engrish as a primary language.

Yep the average Jane is sending their kid to a school with a 50% drop out rate.

My kid has found in the honors college the kids that
were edumahcated in the public system are at a level
about where he was in middle school, his HS school
put him at about a junior in State college in knowledge.

So Gonz no

Kerry was speaking to his
base and the schools they send their kids to do have a 50+% drop out rate.

Not George’s fault if my kid doesn’t go to school now is it?

Doh Winky ya gotta blame the government!