Remember Michael Brown?


Well-Known Member
FEMA director under the Bush Administration who was forced to resign because of his poor response to hurricane Katrina? The same Michael Brown who was accused of racism because he didn't come to the aid of all of those Black folks in New Orleans?

Well, it seems that Obama's FEMA director is basking in Florida while lily white Warick and Cranston, RI are under water.


FEMA Administrator Visits Sunny Orlando as Rhode Island Deals With Worst Flooding in 200 Years
Thursday, April 01, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

( – On Wednesday, one day after President Barack Obama issued an emergency declaration for flood-stricken Rhode Island authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency “to coordinate all disaster relief efforts” for the state, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate was in sunny Orlando, Fla., giving a speech.

FEMA on Thursday told that Fugate had been in Florida this week, attending a hurricane preparation conference, but despite repeated inquiries from, administration spokesmen would not say specifically where Fugate was as of Thursday morning, or whether he had any plans to go to R.I. FEMA's statement said that Fugate’s deputy would go to R.I.

In response to phone inquiries to the FEMA press office and an email inquiry to FEMA Press Secretary Brad Carroll, specifically asking where Fugate was on Thursday and whether he intended to visit R.I., Carroll issued a written statement to

The statement said Fugate "has been in Florida this week" but did not state specifically where he was on Thursday or whether he intended to visit R.I.

Carroll's statement said: "The FEMA Administrator has been in Florida this week attending the National Hurricane Conference, meeting with key partners as we prepare for the upcoming Hurricane Season. He remains in contact with Secretary Napolitano, state and local officials, Congressional representatives and first responders on the ground as we work to support the ongoing response to the flooding. Rich Serino, the Deputy Administrator at FEMA, a career first responder and Boston native, will travel to Rhode Island in support of Secretary Napolitano tomorrow as they survey the damage and meet with state and local officials to make sure that they have the resources they need as we confront these floods.”

FEMA Administrator Fugate formerly served as director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. He and his wife, FEMA says, are from Gainesville, Fla.

Gov. Don Carcieri described the flooding in Rhode Island as the worst in the state in 200 years. In addition to rivers overflowing their banks, state officials are worried about the stress being placed on old dams. They are also worried about an environmental catastrophe because of raw sewage flowing from flooded treatment plants into Narragansett Bay.

Part of I-95, the major arterial Interstate highway running up the East Coast of the United States, remained closed through Providence on Thursday morning because of flooding. And while sunshine is in Rhode Island’s forecast, flood warnings were still in effect as of Thursday morning, according to the National Weather Service.

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service predicted a sunny day Thursday with a high temperature of 82 degrees in Orlando, Fla., where FEMA Director Fugate was known to be on Wednesday.

On Thursday morning, Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary Clark Stevens would not give an on-the-record answer to the question of where Fugate was on Thursday, or whether he planned to visit Rhode Island.

In a Tuesday press release announcing President Obama’s emergency declaration for Rhode Island, the White House said, “Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency.” Now I'm sure that would have been an acceptable declaration from the Bush administration also -- right? Oh, yeah. It wasn't. - j

FEMA teams are now in R.I.—even if the the FEMA administrator is not.

DHS released a statement on Thursday that DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano would visit the state on Friday.
it's a plot against whitey.

not general incompetence - because who would ever suspect such a thing in a massive agency? - but cold, calculated revenge.

this drama shall never end when we spend our days looking for it.
So, all those lifetime beauracrats & power-hungry politicians would behave themselves if the people didn't keep an eye on them?

it's a plot against whitey.

not general incompetence - because who would ever suspect such a thing in a massive agency? - but cold, calculated revenge.

this drama shall never end when we spend our days looking for it.

Your side of the equation equates all things with race and racism yet when the other side makes the same specious arguments you can't handle it.
Who the hell is Michael Brown?

The drama ends when this sad episode in American history ends.
“And, what I believe is, at this point you’re not talking about [inaudible], but what you’re talking about is, I think, a [inaudible], what you’re talking about is when you simply, in a calculated way, refuse to do anything for well over a year … [inaudible] … and [stuttering] I, I, the policy I think here is ethnic cleansing by inaction.

“It’s not ethnic cleansing in the sense that they’re killing people or [driving] people out, but what we need to recognize here is that, they’re in this happy position for them, where the federal government does nothing, as they become richer and richer, because well not only black people needed housing assistance, but they were [predominantly poor, who did it], to simply not do anything to alleviate this housing crisis which … was being exacerbated by Katrina … [inaudible] they, they, they let the hurricane do the ethnic cleansing, because then they’re, all they’re doing is not resisting it, that’s why I call ethnic cleansing by inaction, and I know that there are people who were very happy that, as a result, … [inaudible] … [so that] Louisiana would become a more widely Republican [city] … [inaudible] … because if you lose 100,000 black voters … then you have to take a state that was prodominately Republican and made it [inaudible].”

Massachusetts Dem. Rep. Barney Frank

"George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black."

Sen. Claire McCaskill Democratic Missouri.

"Well, it seems that Obama's FEMA director is basking in Florida while lily white Warwick and Cranston, RI are under water."


But guess who is accused of being a racist among those above and who is exempted from their racist statements simply because they are Liberals. Their hearts, after all, are in the right place.
Your side of the equation equates all things with race and racism yet when the other side makes the same specious arguments you can't handle it.

you're the one who brought up race.

and that you're asserting "the other side" makes it pretty clear that your intent was to portray an us vs. them scenario. now, perhaps you mean "liberal pansies" by "the other side." whatever.

... and i have no trouble appreciating a specious argument made by anybody. i'm just right tired of all this victim bullshit. you've pretty much made yourself into tawana brawley with all this rhetoric positing you and your kind as victims. congrats on that.

so, maybe it ain't the rest of us that don't see shit for what it really is?