Rep. McCarthy introducing national gun control legislation


Well-Known Member
Jeff Winkler
Yahoo News
May 5, 2011

A House bill that could drastically overhaul the nation’s gun control laws and strengthen federal power over states’ handling of individuals’ background checks is expected to be introduced today by New York Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, The Daily Caller has learned.

McCarthy is expected to drop the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 — a near-identical companion to that of fellow New Yorker Chuck Schumer’s Senate bill — according to sources familiar with the legislation.

A draft of the bill obtained by TheDC makes clear that McCarthy’s legislation significantly mirrors Schumer’s much-publicized bill and would make three significant changes to current national gun laws. McCarthy’s proposed fixes include gun-control advocates’ long-sighted target in the national firearms debate — closing major “loopholes” of the milestone Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.

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I like how they always want to "fix loopholes".

I can't find a single loophole
Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
wow. i wonder if this will hold up the paperwork for a suppressor... ummm... nope.

what is it YOU have a problem with, gotholic? the air guitar is getting sooooo boring.
Yawn ... Move along. Nothing new here. She has made a sport of using her husband's murder as a platform for gun control.