Restaurant pet peeves


New Member
What drives you crazy as regards to restaurants?

Mine? Ordering well done hot wings that are neither well done or hot.
Thousand Island dressing on a rueben, and people who speak loudly on their cell phones as if their conversion should be the highlight of my meal.
Watching the cook first put the raw bacon on the grill with his hands, then proceed to make my BLT with those same slimy unwashed hands. :sick:
I HATE when people talk on their cellphones, whether it be at my table or someone else's. IF (and I mean a life or death IF) you have to talk on your phone, get the f*ck out of the restaurant to do it. It really boils my blood!

Other than that, overly chipper waiters or waitresses are also pretty annoying.... let's see what else... not filling up my water enough... pre-dirtied silverware when I get to the table... I am sure I can come up with a few more...
There's this one waitress who works at a restaurant that we sometimes go to, and she has this kinda prima donna "look at me" thing going on. It seems like every time I see her, she's running around having really loud conversations with her friends instead of doing her fucking job. :mad:
catocom said:
I hate when all the waitresses insist on wearing clothes.
Yeah, that sucks.

I hate bad service. The kind of service where the waitress comes to your table once, to take your order, then leaves and comes back 30 minutes later to dump it on the table. Then any kind of waving or shouting only gets a "whatever" look and a long slow walk back.

Also over-decorated restaurants. I know the Applebees and whatnot try to blend in to the towns they are in by hanging up local stuff, but I really don't need a Feed sign and a golf club nailed to the wall of my booth...
mondomondo said:
I see you've eaten at Waffle House.
Dude...I was a waitress there for awhile and got sucked into cooking. There should be 2 clean towels on the bar. One by the meat fridge and one by the bread, lettuce, & tomatoes. I always cleaned my hands. Blame the cook, not the establishment.
I always hated looking over at the condiments and seeing an obvious collage of juvenile fingerprints, snot, and spit all over the glass and caps. Nothing is less appertizing than seeing a partially uncapped ketchup with drool on it. Why do parents not control their brats? Its not the kids fault. They're just having fun. The parents are probably on a cellphone and being oblivious because the tyke is being quiet for 10 minutes. After all... its not like they have to clean it up.
unclehobart said:
I always hated looking over at the condiments and seeing an obvious collage of juvenile fingerprints, snot, and spit all over the glass and caps. Nothing is less appertizing than seeing a partially uncapped ketchup with drool on it. Why do parents not control their brats? Its not the kids fault. They're just having fun. The parents are probably on a cellphone and being oblivious because the tyke is being quiet for 10 minutes. After all... its not like they have to clean it up.

Would you rather have three screaming kids at the table next to you?
Neither do mine. But the kids that are sliming the condiments will be those screaming if they're not entertained, or allowed to entertain themselves.
Then maybe their parents should deal with the fact that their kids don't know how to act in public. My ass woulda been redder than a beet had I acted like that in a restaurant.
Yup, but you can't do that any more, can you? When we were young, the first thing to hit the table wasn't crayons or water, it was a basket of breadsticks. You didn't have kids sitting waiting for half an hour with nothing to do. Personally, I try to go to restaurants that still follow that mentality.
Us too. Johnny's has a play area and video games, Ted's gives them these things called Wikki Sticks , Christo's has big funny greek men that come to the table, and Hashiguchi has a ton of kimono clad waitresses that coo over the girls. I think the girls like the attention more than the toys though.
Exactly. There used to be something called a "family restaurant" that went out of their way to cater to "families". Joe's crab shack has the random outbreak of dancing and a play area outside.

The other half of the problem, of course, is parents taking their kids into "non-family" restaurants.
1. Cell phones. I don't care about your conversation. Turn the damn thing off once in awhile.

2. Unruly kids. If you cannot control your offspring long enough to eat, consider a muzzle.

3. Inattentive servers. I tip and tip well, but you will do your job. I am not demanding. Just don't make me go thirsty.

4. Cleanliness. I want to eat somewhere that does not resemble the dumpster. Conversely, do NOT run that blasted carpet sweeper near me while I am eating. Dust flies.

5. If your establishment insists on banging plates together en masse to chant "happy happy birthday" to more than one patron during my meal, prepare for decapitation.

6. Please ensure that your cooks know the difference between medium rare and medium on my steak. Medium will get you flogged. If my steak is past medium rare I will send it back, exactly as I told you when I ordered it.
tonksy said:
What drives you crazy as regards to restaurants?

Mine? Ordering well done hot wings that are neither well done or hot.
Thousand Island dressing on a rueben, and people who speak loudly on their cell phones as if their conversion should be the highlight of my meal.
Thousand Island dressing on a Rueben. The philistines!!!!
*Wonders if it would upset Tonks to know I prefer brown mustard to the requisite Russian dressing*

I think every restaraunt should have blocking hardware for cell phones. My biggest pet peeve is bad service though. Number two is automatically adding the tip. I understand why, but I don't like it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
6. Please ensure that your cooks know the difference between medium rare and medium on my steak. Medium will get you flogged. If my steak is past medium rare I will send it back, exactly as I told you when I ordered it.

I usually wind up sending it back because it's not well enough done. But then, I order it burnt.