Restoring Honor Rally


molṑn labé
Staff member
We went. It was more an excuse to go to DC, which we've been wanting to do for some time, than to see Glenn. That was just an event that might have been great.

I was disappointed. The Restoring Honor theme was overridden by, and ultimately highjacked by, MLK. I believe that Beck bent to the political pressure. King deservs mention. He did not deserve repeated references throughout the whole day.

There was little in the way of new ideas toward Restoring Honor. There was plenty of commemoration towards those who were, or are, honorable.

It was the first Sarah speech that did not motivate me in any way.

Evita we really need a modern day RnB wannabe diva to sing a very silly song (something about rebuilding) in one of the most annoying vocal styles around, followed by a couple of gospels tunes, intermissioned by bible passages before Ms King speaks?

Glenn began and a few minutes into his speech, I realized I've heard everything he was saying on the radio. Nice message, wonderful principle, nothign new. Since we'd been there for several hours, all three of us were hungry so we started heading for the food. We were able to hear him most of the way out & before we got too far, the bagpipes played Amazing Grace.

We ended up touring the Mall then returing to our hotel so we could come back later in the day when some part of the (approximate) 400,000 people had moved on. That worked out well.

It took us almost 4 hours to walk from the Capital to Lincoln, stopping at the Korean & Vietnam Memorials. If you haven't seen the Korean Memorial, it is spooky & fascinating. The Wall, everyone knows. The World War II Memorial is amazing. If you don't get emotional in there, you don't know history & ther sacrifices made. My wife laid a tribute to her father (a POW & survivor of the death marches).

We have many photo's. I'll post some as soon as she uploads them from her camera.

It was worth it. I wish there had been more cohesion & direction from Beck & his guests. Hopefully, it's just a starting point & not an end.

IMO, it served 2 purposes....
To show how many people are unhappy with the current situation (representative).
to kick off the starting march of the "Black Robe Brigade".

I personally appreciate you and your family making it to the rally.:thumbup:
yer just dreaming

They took up arms and unless you are willing to do just that
there is no stopping this ever accelerating slide into socialism.
Beck must be doing something right....

It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)

If you have the goods, or if you want to contribute to a slush fund to buy more takedowns (probably not tax deductible), please contact me at: [email protected].

Huffpo yanked it down already: "Editor's Note: This piece was published directly to the Huffington Post by its author. It didn't meet our editorial standards and has been removed from the site."
This is the same Glenn Beck who says "I am an alcoholic" and who has admitted taking drugs & being a general PITA until he decided to take charge of his life? Geez, what, do they want a photo of him praying at Temple?

Once again, the left, instead of providing outstanding ideas, looks to silence the opposition.
This is the same Glenn Beck who says "I am an alcoholic" and who has admitted taking drugs & being a general PITA until he decided to take charge of his life? Geez, what, do they want a photo of him praying at Temple?

Once again, the left, instead of providing outstanding ideas, looks to silence the opposition.

yep, the man has confessed, and repented.
They can't touch him now, and it's driving them even more crazy than they already are.

I figure they are going to cause some more extreme left violence eventually....soon.
Probably try to blame it on conservatives, or Bush.
I don't know what the final estmates are, so I'll presume 400k, based on old numbers.

400,000 men, women & children, standing shoulder to shoulder in what would end up being a 90° sunny & humid summer afternoon. There were times that one could hear camera shutters clicking in the distance. The sound system was a little out of phase so it was hard to hear the speakers, at times, due to phase echo. However, the people gathered were never belligerent nor boisterous (unless at an applaud line).

The reverence for the location & setting was amazing. Not one arrest. Not one fight. Not one overturned car or fire. Well into the night, people were sharing, caring & kind. There were Blacks, Asians, Middle-Easterners (lots of Indians) & a few American Indians, and a whole bunch of white people. Not one utterance of negative slang was overheard.

Well behaved, kind & controlled. Fucking bigots.
Honor Rally: a meaningless sham

A few people show up a million man march
and it's a world changing event
this was either derided or ignored
go on, keep on sippin' the kool-aid and be ready
to spit it out when after the Republicans
take back the houses and get their guy in the White House
you are given some lame assed excuse why they can't
repeal Obamacare, then will you finally know the war is lost?

Then will you go quietly into the night?
it has been said that there were people there representing congregations in
totals of.......
get this now....
100mil (about 1/3 of the U.S.)

Yep underestimation is our friend.
No kool-aid here Winky. The Republicans are not the answer. We tried that in '04. They proved to be progressive spenders just like the Dems.

The answer is conservative. (can you say Sarah?)

To all you libs, dems, greenies, socialists, etc. For over 50 years there has never been a majority Rep. congress & a Rep. President in the White House. Before James Carville & Bill Clinton embarass your party anymore, go ahead & vote republican this year. You have nobody of interest on the ballot. Nobody has an original idea.

In 2 years, if we've gone to hell in a hand basket as you fear, then it will be a easy & major turnaround. You can then get al least 22 more years of backlash for the giant screwup the RNC pulled off in '02-'04.

If the republicans don't screw up, you can always change party affiliations.

Why not give it a try. You'll be back in full power in '04, right?
Can you say irony
"restoring honor."

how quaint.

"got freedom?"

for the win, for sure.

one wonders if all the ten cent slogans puked out by beck, palin, et al really do more to trivialize than do anything positive for honor and freedom. just like the 12 year-old that says "fuck" every third word... really starts to lose it's impact.

if those words and ideas were so holy, one would not spew them everywhere, but carefully place them.

just some thoughts.

nice that the crowd was well-behaved. i wonder how they filtered out the rednecks?

glad you were able to attend gonz. you're lucky... last time i was in DC a few weeks ago it was 99 degrees and 99% humidity, and just miserable.

in the words of the totally hot 15 year old Debbie Grammer back in 73

Fuck me runny