Resume "Objective" help needed


New Member
I'm going to be applying for a junior network admin job that's open at work and I'm going to be updating my resume and printing it out. It's not really required but it's just something I want to do. Chances are that he'll find something on it that he didn't already know about me.

So, the one thing I've always hated doing is the objective. I think it's necessary (to a point) but most of the ones I've seen have been so... crappy.

The old resume on Monster is "To secure a position in network administration to further develop my technical skills" Crappy, I know.

So that's what I want to say, have any suggestions on a better objective? I like the beginning, "To secure a position in network administration" but I think it needs something else afterward.

Do you even put an objective on your resume? I know I never really looked much at them when I was a manager, hiring people. Unless the objective was so wrong for what they were applying for.
"To secure a position in network administration"

then add

"and to uplift the cause of womenkind by earning more than that "pig" man who could do the same job with half the credentials and more pay"....

then add

"I demand obligatory revivfication of the womens right in the workplace like never before, i demand the revolucion de chica"

I'd hire you lickity spilt.

But you see the problem is that all of the guys (yes I'd be the only chick) in the department already are super smart and I can learn a hell of a lot from them. And they know it. I am not worthy but I'm going to try to convince them otherwise. :D

I have to give my company credit, they pay very well. I've never complained about money. Everything else, but not money. ;)

Actually it's funny you said the last in spanish because one of the guys who works in the department and I converse in spanish sometimes. You sure you don't work with me?
Re: Resume

greenfreak said:

But you see the problem is that all of the guys (yes I'd be the only chick) in the department already are super smart and I can learn a hell of a lot from them. And they know it. I am not worthy but I'm going to try to convince them otherwise. :D

I have to give my company credit, they pay very well. I've never complained about money. Everything else, but not money. ;)

Actually it's funny you said the last in spanish because one of the guys who works in the department and I converse in spanish sometimes. You sure you don't work with me?

Oh lord no, my spanish is rusty, actually I am waiting for Luis to correct my mistakes.

I'd still add that because it shows your ambition and tenacity towards fighting adversity women face and it sounds so gosh darn cool. It's like a resume right out of the Lifetime channel.
Objective: To mantain a professional long term employment outlook with a successful organization. Possibly furthering my education, to be the best that I can be in (whatever it is that you wish to do- job).
I'm starting to realize this isn't as easy as I thought. I had forgotten that it needs to be a technical resume... listing programs, length of experience, etc.

I should just make the objective "To work with you because you're really smart and can teach me stuff" :D
Ditch it. This job you describe is more dependant on the meritocracy of the one applying, i doubt adding a nifty objective makes anyone more qualified. Focus on your strengths on the resume, the objective seems more like a luxary in this case.
the truth is a good get the best/highest paid/lowest hands on ratio job i can get from this crappy company to bide time till I can get a real job :lloyd:
Re: Resume

Leslie said:
the truth is a good get the best/highest paid/lowest hands on ratio job i can get from this crappy company to bide time till I can get a real job :lloyd:

Now thats my kind of employee.
Re: Resume

Seriously, I wish I could help you out here Greenie. I've been rewriting my objective for about 15 years now, still don't like it.
To use my existing knowledge to work towards a common goal while gaining valuable experience in the field.

That was one I used for my current job. Didn't like it at the time, and still don't. Decided to go with it anyway.
To be able to apply, develop and improve my expertise (knowledge??) in the network managment area, while *put some other thing here*