Return of the King


Well-Known Member
Just finished watching The Two Towers again for the fifth time. The war scene in that movie never gets old. Sofar i've only read the hobbit and the fellowship of the ring. I'm wondering...can anyone tell me if there's going to be a dwarf army in return of the king?
No. Not in the books. Its a war of men. Period.

Now will the movie do a curve ball and stuff dwarves in there? Who can say? There was only one elf at Helms Deep ... not a reinforced company.
Ask one simple question & it takes :20 minutes to get a straight answer :rolleyes:

Yes, there is a dwarf army. However, they are not Gimleys dwarfs, they work for the Orcs & are in the final battle at Mohrdor(sic?)
The bad guys? Sure. They had a good bit of everything: dwarves, men, trolls, wolves; a myriad of fell beasts ...but all contained within just a few moments.

The good guys were just men ... and the Fellowship company members of course. The good dwarves were busy containing the orc remnants of the mountain range mentioned within the Hobbit as well as locking down the broad border aganst the Easterlings trickling across the broad plains and into the basin of Mirkwood and beyond.

Theres a long appendixed storyline that speaks of how the Hobbit interconnects with the greater LOTR storyline ... but I don't want to bore you.
I've always had at least one dwarf in my D&D repetoire. Mr.Bishop's group actually stole my favorite and use her as a NPC whenever they get in over their heads.
I just really prefer to look at the books and the movies as different entities. That way it kind of doubles the pleasure. I suppose if i had read the books when i was younger i might think differently though. As it is there is little i would change about the films. I've been enjoying them thoroughly for two years now.
Gonz said:
Gimley is the bestest character in the movie...never read the books.
He's even better on the book. Except for some boring chapters on FOTR that were deservedly cut out, the book is by far better than the movie...
Ok, finished reading the whole book. I think they're gonna cut some important parts from the original story or they won't be able to make it fit in 3 hours. Specially considering there were parts of TTT left behind...