

Well-Known Member
no, there's not a real rift.
Just some people trying to hijacked the teaparty name.

The Real teapartiers didn't pay no stinkin' fee.
People that want to bring money into the movement like that, ain't with it.
people that want to get loud of other issues like the birther thing, and merely
trying to sow negative seeds.

The Real movement will survive, and will not be hijacked.

Tea Partiers Urge Unity as Rifts Show
It's sad all those people paid $500 a shot to hear Palin say the GOP should absorb the teaparty. :(
now, there goes Huckabee saying basically that the teaparty ain't nothing
without the big money of the GOP.

Yet Palin and Huckabee want to claim they are different, and not elitist.
Sure don't sound like they are getting it yet.

I'm not saying some of the teapartiers might not support some of um,
but to keep going back to the big party trough ain't scoring them no points in my book.
The deal, like it or not, is easy enough.

The Republican Party can return to its small government, low taxes conservative base Tea-Party), or it can play blue blood politics (Olympia Snow) like it did after Goldwater until Reagan, and lose.

A 3rd party looks great on the surface, but all it will do is split the base from the Republicans & hand election after election to the Democrats.

Unless the tea party becomes attractive to the blue dog Democrats, which it hasn't. Conservatives are a purality but not a majority.
Unless the tea party becomes attractive to the blue dog Democrats, which it hasn't. Conservatives are a purality but not a majority.

I beg to differ.
Have you not seen some dogs jumping ship?
I think more are coming.

Really, it ain't even exclusive conservative.
well, I guess it depends on your definition.
I personally hold some lib values, and know many others that do also,
that support most of the Real teaparty movement.
if Huckabee think there's not some big money just waiting for the right moves,
he's ignorant.

"Truth, Justice, and The American Way" That's the ticket. Learn it, know it.
I believe that's part of the American way part. :)

Keeping it simple though also is key.
I think all this "comprehensive" talk is a turn-off.
Can't have it any more simple than a 4 page document intended to limit the federal powers.

Liberalism, in all it's forms, want to change what we are...and were.
I'm liberal in the sense that imho, any legislation past our main
founding documents, that try to 'steer' society, should be discarded, or
at least re-considered.

I'm a statesman.
THAT's what united this country, held it together, and makes us great.
The more fed that comes in, the more discourse that arises.

We can be diverse, And united.
I'm so glad Beck got on at fox.
He seems to be the only one so far that seems to really really get it.

I heard rep. Bachmann decided not to attend, after hearing what they were turning it into.
Good move.:thumbup: