Right idea but is it the right way?


Well-Known Member
There are signs that online hate is getting worse.

The French foreign minister cited a recent report in Britain that showed the number of "violent and extremist sites" had ballooned by 300 percent in the last four years in 15 OSCE countries surveyed.

France last year banned a Web site responsible for thousands of daily racist messages, one of which claimed responsibility for dousing mosques with paint in the colors of the French flag, the International Network Against Cyber Hate wrote in a report released Wednesday.

Christopher Wolf, chairman of the Internet Task Force of the U.S. Anti-Defamation League, pointed out how one student on a blog site at Brandeis University described playing an Internet video game against a rival who had nicknamed himself "Jew Killer."

In Egypt, some sites have shown pictures of American soldiers in Iraq to dredge up anti-U.S. feeling; one purportedly showed the June 8 killing of American civilian Robert Jacobs in Saudi Arabia.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group based in Los Angeles, said one strategy is for Internet service providers in the United States to honor anti-racism language in their own contracts.

International experts met Wednesday in Paris to tackle the tricky task of fighting anti-Semitic, racist and xenophobic propaganda on the Internet -- seen as a chief factor in a rise in hate crime.


Some suggested: educating the people instead further banning their free speech.

I agree but my problem is that: As moronic the politicians are people are worse. I do not have faith in any of them to learn and how does the government go about educating against racism and biased beliefs? It requires money....That will be the final deciding factor. If educating people is cheaper than the governments would ban together to do it.

Its funny because they are worried and recognize the problems but they refuse to take real actions against it because ultimetly the people they try to teach get screwed either way in the end.

Its even funnier that we suggest educating people because how can you change someone who sees no cause of change within themselves. I hardly believe that the skinheads who put themselves in their cause are willing to listen to the government they despise as well.

Would you listen to an authority figure, who has a terrible image, preaching to you against your cause?

The idea is great but you must also focus on what is being changed....racism of this caliber isn't brought on by simple confusion and ignorance of other ethnicities or cultures. No education can really change that...only cthartic experiences can.

With that said, however, there is no harm in trying to avert future generations from this overly skewed way of thought.
The only way for racism, hate, to extinguish itself it to flourish. Get the arguments out & debate & heckle & prove & disprove. Eventually everyone will realize it's us against ourself. With the PC run amok, everything is hidden in doublespeak or flat out not said.
Gonz said:
The only way for racism, hate, to extinguish itself it to flourish. Get the arguments out & debate & heckle & prove & disprove. Eventually everyone will realize it's us against ourself. With the PC run amok, everything is hidden in doublespeak or flat out not said.
Sometimes I think it won't end until the entire human race is a uniform shade of light brown. :shrug: In the meantime, debate (and ridicule) certainly seem to be the best weapons. You can't curtail someone's freedom of speech without curtailing everyone's.