Right, or priviledge?

it should be a right to the extent that it's in many cases a necessity for 'the pursuit of happiness' via having a job. that said, if that chick in the video had 12 points on her license and is an incorrigible scofflaw, fuck her, and anyone else like her. she's putting others in danger, just like a drunk driver. so that's when it's no longer a "right."

unfortunately the video, while providing 'upset fodder' is not really giving us enough info to make that determination, but isn't that the job of the press?
Neither. It's a skill. Any citizen of age should have a "right" to apply for and be tested for a license to drive. If they don't have the requisite skills and physical abilities required (and let's be honest, it's way too easy to get a license in the US) they should then be denied.
it should be a right to the extent that it's in many cases a necessity for 'the pursuit of happiness' via having a job. that said, if that chick in the video had 12 points on her license and is an incorrigible scofflaw, fuck her, and anyone else like her. she's putting others in danger, just like a drunk driver. so that's when it's no longer a "right."

:shrug: I never thought of it as a right, regardless of how its used.

2minkey said:
unfortunately the video, while providing 'upset fodder' is not really giving us enough info to make that determination, but isn't that the job of the press?

I always thought the job of the press was to keep the public fully informed on the acts and usage of the government. I posted this as an illustration on how far the press has sunk, and how far some people will go to justify their bad behavior.
well my qualifying it as a right was somewhat nominal. looking at the flipside of it, denying someone the ability to drive will in many cases negatively impact their ability to 'pursue' der 'happiness.' obviously it's not a right in the same league as free speech. and it's certainly not much of a skill for many.

i don't think the press really has a formal job description, does it, other than that nonsense about 'journalistic integrity' and related gobbledy-goo they teach you in any journalism class...? and historically here the job of the press has just as much been to put a positive spin on stuff for the gubmint as much as it has to report on the gubmint, though not as much lately as i'm sure you'd remind of me had i not typed the last eighteen words.

About the petition.....
That's a lot of sigs, and reflects a significant number of people there.
They need a 'formal vote', and double check tally, of the citizens there.
Then, the Gov, needs to heed it.
*agrees with Luis re: SKILL

I don't drive, and I've not yet had problems pursuing jobs, but I guess it helps that I'm in a technical field.
I consider it a priviledge.

However, the VA law won't hold water IMO. That is not to say that I disagree with the INTENT of the law, but having a separate set of fines/fees for in-state drivers borders on if not crosses the line of constitutionality as I understand the concept. Make it the same regardless of state residency and it's OK. Enforceable is another issue, but that ain't what was asked.
WTF is ABUSIVE Driving? If the state is going to use a civil penalties, then it may damn welll be a right. If you don't want someone driving, revoke their license.