Riot in Detroit


molṑn labé
Staff member
well, not riot, more like a peaceful rally in support of America & Britain & the rest of the "Coalition of the Willing" freeing Baghdad,


not Detroit-it's in the Iraqi enclave of Dearborn.

Many are saying they want to go back & help rebuild.

Who needs France & Germany? They don't.
Ok, so you really meant to type Rally in Dearborn, but typed Riot in Detroit instead? That about sum it up?
Can you give me a link, or are you going to make me turn on the news? Pleeeaaaaaase don't make me turn on the news! :(

Riot, what are you thinking Gonz. It's not even close to Devil's Night.

Dearborn has the largest Arab population in the US. Its hard to believe they are really happy about the war, but who knows. Where's the link? Its probably in the Detriot Free press.
"Don't kill them," said Hadi Al-Baghdadi, a 42-year-old Iraqi living in Dearborn, referring to Saddam and members of the ruling Baath party. "Put them in cages in a zoo. And then we can use the admissions fees to rebuild Iraq."

They really should give that one some thought.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi (Dis)Information Minister should be forced to do community service by becoming an SNL regular and giving the proceeds to the Iraqi people. :)
The press in Baghdad reports that their "minders" all disappeared too. Coincidence? I think not.
Funny I get the words of this song running through my head...

"Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run..." :D