RIP Bonnie...


You guys don't know this... but for the past 3 months my 14 year old cross breed (Welsh border Collie x Lab... we think! ) Tri colour (Black, white and tan... no pictures I'm afraid) called Bonnie has been... I mean had been... suffering nose bleeds.

The vet gave her tablets at first... but in the past week the bleeds became so severe that he was convinced she had a tumour. The bleeds were bad... so bad that she was completely aneamic and would collapse for about 30 mins in what we thought was a faint... we think now it was perhaps little fits because of the tumour... in the last one unlike the rest she was a little rigid. We have had plastic paint sheets covering the whole house for the past fourtnight and yesterday whilst I was at work my mum and dad were just getting ready to take her down the vets to pick up her blood tests when she got up out of her basket and she was literally covered in blood. In her sleep she had been bleeding out... thick bright red blood.. all over from her nose and possibly her mouth.

The vet just suggested that it would be best to "finish this right" (He's Norwegian... a lovely guy) He apparently injected her with a bright blue fluid and she just drifted away... into what looked like a deep sleep.

She was the best dog in the whole world... and I know everyone says that but she was! You couldn't want for a brighter, more loving animal. We've grown up together... she's seen me in some states... looking back she even knew a lot of stuff about me before I did... but animals can sense things though.. changes in hormones and pheremones.

She was an excellent judge of character... I'm so glad she got to see Adrian... he's the only guy she really appeared to like... seems strange to trust the opinion of a dog but I do.

The house is so quiet... deathly... Christmas will not be the same. We're going to have to give Bonnie's presents to the little dog that lives next door to my Nana. We've thrown all her things away... its too painful to look at and most of it was covered in blood.

I could have sworn that she was there at the bottom of the stairs this morning I even slowed so as not to step on her... my mum had no one to give half her morning biscuit to and there was no little face at the window when we left for work.

I'm having difficulty keeping the tears back... I've only told one of my mates at work because she asked how Bon was... I don't want to be a snotty mess.

I know what we did was for the best... but in essence we agreed to her murder... other than the bleeds she was fine... she even trotted into the vet on her lead.

Its hard... but... I'm gonna miss her.

Rest in peace Bonnie...
It's not that strange at all to trust a dog. In fact, it's a good idea to pay close attention to what the dog senses around a potential suitor.
Inkara1 said:
It's not that strange at all to trust a dog. In fact, it's a good idea to pay close attention to what the dog senses around a potential suitor.

yeah... I guess their senses are more honed...
Gato_Solo said:
I'm sorry for your loss... :crying4:

Thanks Mitch...

People always say "at least it wasn't a person" but Bonnie was... to us anyway.

Its hard but it was for the best. Keeping her going would have been cruel.
ClaireBear said:
Thanks Mitch...

People always say "at least it wasn't a person" but Bonnie was... to us anyway.

Its hard but it was for the best. Keeping her going would have been cruel.

I always hate that "at least it wasn't a person" line. It was a loved and trusted member of your family who just happened to have four legs and fur. I suspect you will miss her more than you would have a lot of "people" you know. Sorry for your loss. :sadhug:
chcr said:
I suspect you will miss her more than you would have a lot of "people" you know.

Ain't that the truth... often any]/b] animal is better than some of the people I've been acquainted with over the years...
My deepest sympathies to you.

We recently lost a dog ourselves. Ozzy was a stray that more or less adopted us. He turned into one of the best dogs a person could ever dream of having around. He was hit by a car (the driver never bothered to even slow down from what I hear) and a neighbor came and told us. Ozzy died pretty much instantly, so at the least he didn't suffer. We still miss him, and I guess I always will.

My dog, Elvis the basset hound, is approaching the ripe old age of 10. I figure I have maybe three years left with him. When the time comes, I will require sedation. That dog has seen me through a lot of pain, a lot of hard times, and we've shared a lot of joy together. I hope, and believe, that I have made his life as happy as he has made mine.

Take your time with your grief. It's real, and should not be discounted. In time, the pleasant memories will obliterate the unpleasant. That's when the healing begins.
I'm sorry for your loss. I know how tough it is to battle their illness for so long, my first cat had diabetes and we had to give her insulin shots twice a day, it's really disheartening at first. I don't regret it one bit though, as she took the shots well and seemed to know it was for her own good, and she knew a treat was coming after it every time, so she seemed happy looking forward to that every time.