Robert Mugabe for UN Sec General


molṑn labé
Staff member
He can't screw that up any more than he did when he stole the white farmers land & gave it to his friends.

President Robert Mugabe's regime has directed national parks officials to kill animals in state-owned conservation areas to feed hungry rural peasants - a move that could wipe out what remains of Zimbabwe's impalas, kudus, giraffes, elephants and other species.


UK Independent
NO he's a communist that's what he is supposed to do.
The problem arises when the supposed capitalists let the
government take 50% of every dollar you make
in the supposed freest nation on earth.
Gonz said:
He can't screw that up any more than he did when he stole the white farmers land & gave it to his friends.

Like when the white settlers stole the land from the Cherokee and other natives? Or when the invaders came South and pillaged plantations and murdered women and children and the invalid? Or are those events somehow different?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Like when the white settlers stole the land from the Cherokee and other natives? Or when the invaders came South and pillaged plantations and murdered women and children and the invalid? Or are those events somehow different?

Let's assume you're right (which you're not) and there is no difference. You'd not be alive, living in & bitching about the improprieties against Dixie. I think you ought to be thankful that the evil christians overthrew the savages & conquered this great land.
Then show me where I'm wrong. "Because I said so" won't cut it.

White people have eradicated more culture and perpetrated more evil on this continent than all other races combined, I am sorry to say. Their motives are not as altruistic as you seem to believe them to be. "Conquering" was not called for...there was plenty of room for everyone. Some just wanted it all. Instead of lauding the conquerers, I instead choose to side with those who were defending their homes against invasion, be they black, white, red, or purple. Enslaving native Americans so they won't be seen on Boston streets is despicable, I don't care what race you are. Passing laws to prohibit them from settling in your state was wrong, no matter what the reason. They were there first. Might does not equal right in every instance.

Do you just not like to share your toys? :devious:
That is precisely what is wrong with the way the white man did it.
Everyone else left no survivors to go on bitchen about it.

Now iffin' we coulda shipped all them black folks back
after the war oh what a wunderful nation this would be!

Git on the boat or die!
I cannot & will not defend practices I disagree with (slavery). I will not & cannot condemn them for actions that, in the 21st century, as deemed inappropriate, but were common practice, dating back all the way thru mankinds history. If somebody didn't take somebodys elses land, nothing would have changed. Progression happens with violence.

Stop using modern morality to disparage 16th century people. It's what they did. We learned not to do it anymore.
Gonz said:
I cannot & will not defend practices I disagree with (slavery). I will not & cannot condemn them for actions that, in the 21st century, as deemed inappropriate, but were common practice, dating back all the way thru mankinds history. If somebody didn't take somebodys elses land, nothing would have changed. Progression happens with violence.

Stop using modern morality to disparage 16th century people. It's what they did. We learned not to do it anymore.

For the record, I do not support slavery either. Either in Dixie or New England, nor anywhere else.

Having said that, it appears to me that you have little problem condemning some folks, but a huge one condemning others, for actions from precisely the same time period, perpetrated by both parties. For this I do not fault you. You just never learned the real history of certain events. I thought just the same way for years. I have since learned better. You can't rely on a Boston textbook company for objectivity in all matters. There just might be a bias. *gasp*

Please know that I bear no ill will toward you. I consider you an itelligent, thoughtful, informed man, as am I. You present your ideas in a conservative bent, as do I on most topics. You frequently rely on a news source that is considered, shall we say, outside the liberal mainstream. I too gather information from sources outside the liberal mainstream. So it strikes me odd that you are so ready and willing to swallow hook, line, and sinker the information spoonfed to you in 10th grade without question. I would have expected more from someone like yourself, who questions the daily diet of network approved propoganda. Nothing more than that.

We both think outside the lines. I guess we just draw the lines in different places.
Simply because I prefer the outcome as it is. We are stronger & more vital as a whole than in parts. I see what happened as an act of treason by the southern states. You see it as seperation. There is where the line is drawn.