Rob's black cloud strikes again


New Member
*sigh...He was installing my new speakers and when he powered my machine back up I no longer had mousage. No mousie for me. WTF? we powered down and restatred. No mouse. Ideas?
She was on my machine while I was over on hers pissin' and moanin'.

Somehow it hiccuped the mouse off the grid. I had to pull it off, reinsert, and reload the hardware... stupid effing thing. Nothing is ever easy.
unclehobart said:
Somehow it hiccuped the mouse off the grid.
I've seen that happen when viruses are around.
Got your AV up to date? might want to do a full scan.
More likely, you got it slightly out of the PS2 port when you were jerking around back there. I'm coming over there tomorrow. You couldn't wait?
Now you know how important you are, Steve. Either that, or they're in denial about all the fire damage.