Rolling Stones at Fenway Park


Well-Known Member
out of curiosity, i looked up the prices for the Stones concert at Fenway Park. the site i found that posted prices ranged them from $167 for the cheapest seat up to a staggering $1,840 for the most expensive.

now...would any of you seriously consider buying tickets for this show?
My friend's daughter was given some for a TO show by her father for her 16th birthday.

She doesn't know who they are!!!!
Leslie said:
My friend's daughter was given some for a TO show by her father for her 16th birthday.

She doesn't know who they are!!!!

Still wouldn't pay that kind of money to see 'em.....wouldn't pay more than $50 for any show....
Mirlyn said:

Still wouldn't pay that kind of money to see 'em.....wouldn't pay more than $50 for any show....
And then for me ,only if it was a quarter at a time. :devious:
Leslie said:
My friend's daughter was given some for a TO show by her father for her 16th birthday.

She doesn't know who they are!!!!

Who are TO? :confuse3:
To watch a bunch of old geezers jump around on stage. No thanks! I'd never pay that much for a ticket.

I will spend 40 for tickets to Judas Priest though. October 12th at the Bell Center :beardbng:
Saw them over twenty years ago for $25. I wouldn't pay that today.
Concert tickets have gotten outrageous.

I'd love to see the Stones. I mean, I would really love it. If I had enough disposable cash, and they came anywhere within reasonable distance to here, I'd go. I'd bitch about the ticket price, but I'd go. These guys are living legends. What they ain't seen don't rate.

Forty bucks for 2005 Priest? No thanks. Seen 'em twice, great shows both, but we were all a lot younger then.

I would wager that by and large, excluding some bluegrass festivals, my live music days are now behind me. But sweet Jesus, I made the most of them while they lasted.
$50 seems to be standard concert ticket price anymore. I'm seeing the White Stripes in a few weeks, tickets are $50. Saw Modest Mouse last year in a club - $45. Phish and Dave Matthews Band tickets hovered around $30 (face value) for years, then they boomed to $50, $60, $100.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Forty bucks for 2005 Priest?

One of these fools that puked in my backyard...I ain't paying for what I got free umpteen bazillion times.
It was that friggin Michael Jackson that did concert prices in. Modest shows were 12-18$ and top acts were 32-35$. Then MJ went on his victory tour for $100 a pop. At that point, the promoters and the acts all smelled blood and played the no limit to the price game we all know and love.