Ron Paul On Fox in The Center Seat 10/26

Ron Paul is a freakazoid

While I don't agree 100% with Paul, I think it was very unbecoming
for Krauthammer to do his smirking as if to put Paul off as a loon.

I'm used to lefties calling people they disagree with as 'crazy', but
just like with Christine O'Donnell, one can see the 'establishment' come out
in Charles K periodically.
don't be such a pussy. krauthammer is not required to hide his amusement. paul put himself in the spotlight. i'd laugh at the childish little fucker too. in fact given that paul clearly thinks he has all the right ideas and all the bestest answers in the universe - just look at his answer about his own weaknesses, which he more or less blows off - he deserves everything he gets.

i just love this whining about "the press won't cover ron paul." hmmmm.... if that were true, why would that be?

1) he does not have a chance. refer to earlier posts about his blame america first thing.
2) he's really not very entertaining, overall. he's just a fucking blowhard. i'd much rather listen to michelle bachmann, who is at least entertaining.
3) his level of self-righteousness is nothing other than vile.
4) he's like that know-it-all asshole that's sitting in the seat behind you on the airplane that will not fucking shut up.

in short, he is a giant ass.
one could hardly call such a well-established pattern preconceived. so unless you are being deceptive, i think we can pretty much bank on that one. so i am gonna send a five year-old girl over to hang out on the couch on your lawn and bully you whenever you come outside. how is that?